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Responses Group

dsentinel edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 5 revisions

Responses Group

The responses group contains information about instrument response including both data logger and sensor

Note on indexing n_i

Both das_t, and array_x_t have a response_table_n_i, which is an index, or foreign key, to entries in this response_t entries with key n_i.

As an array_t entry points to das_t entries, these should have the same response, but this is not the case. It seems that when adding data [waveforms] (except Fairfield nodes) the das_t is populated, and corresponding response_t entries containing only the bitweight and gain. (Not the full response as this isn't available, not even the sensor is known at this time). These response_t entries are an intermediary step and are referenced later.

Later, after array_t's are created, when responses are loaded with load_resp new full response entries are created in this response_t and only referenced from array_t. These are used for outputs such as stationXML.

  • Responses_g [The responses contains response information for the sensor data logger combinations.]
    • Response_a_xxxxx [The response array is a textural array holding response information in RESP format.]
    • Response_t [The response table holds, bit weight, gain, and a reference to the RESP files.]
      • response_file_a [string 32]
      • response_file_das_a [string 32]
      • response_file_sensor_a [string 32]
      • n_i [int 32]
      • bit_weight
        • value_d [float 64]
        • units_s [string 16]
      • gain
        • value_i [int 32]
        • units_s [string 16]