PHPSPLabs – PHPSP User Group
Mantainer: Augusto Pascutti <augusto [at] phpsp org br>
This is an effort of doing a system which can be used to gather presentations
from people for an specific event. This project is open sourced under the MIT
Licence and can be used and modified by anyone. The requirements are:
- PHP 5 or greater
- Almost any database is supported
- CakePHP 1.3 by Cake Software Foundation Inc.
- Image Behavior for CakePHP by Yevgeny Tomenko aka SkieDr
- A more detailed help can be found here: Installation Guide
- Be sure that mod_rewrite is enabled in Apache
- Rename the /app/config/database.php.default to /app/config/database.php
- Configure the access to the database in the /app/config/database.php file
- Run schema creation and updates from cake console (see wiki for details)
- Grant write access to the apache user in the following dirs and subdirs
- /app/tmp/cache
- /app/tmp/logs
- /app/webroot/img/upload
- Point your browser to the address where you installed the app and have fun!
- Testing and sending us Tickets!
- Resolving existing tickets!
- Spreading the word about the project!
- First the project’s wiki
- You can send a message to anyone involved into the project (throught GitHub)
- CakePHP Manual for 1.3 version