A simple vue component to render dynamic tables with sortable headers.
Vue table is built as a vue plugin. It can be initialized just as the Vue documentation states.
import VueTable from '@pderas/vue2-table';
There are a few steps required before a vue table can be initialized.
Headers need to be defined before a table can be created. There are multiple options available for a header including it's label and if its sortable or not. A headers array that can be passed to vue table could look like this.
label: 'Status',
sortBy: 'status'
label: 'Client Name',
sortBy: 'client_name'
label: 'Service Date',
sortBy: 'service_date'
label: '',
sortBy: '',
disabled: true
*Note: Notice the last header not having any labels. This column would be used for buttons on the row which is why the sorting is disabled.
Option | Description | Required |
disabled | Boolean that defines if a header can be clicked or not | No |
label | The title of the header | Yes |
sortBy | The column name for the backend data | Yes |
width | A defined width for the header in px. | No |
A vue table passes the information recieved from the url back into the view component so that it can be used in the row. A sample vue table could look like this.
<vue-table url="/clients/search" :headers="headers" :methods="methods">
<template slot="row" slot-scope="{ row }">
<td>{{ row.status }}</td>
<td @click="row.methods.goTo('/clients')">
{{ row.name }}
<td>{{ row.service_date }}</td>
If you want to run any functions with a row action you can pass them into the vue table using the methods prop. All methods are then accessible in the row using the row.methods
*Note: It is very important to define the scope of the template so that the data can be passed from the parent component into the children being defined for the rows.
Prop | Description | Required |
headers | An array to populate the table headers | Yes |
url | The url to retrieve data from. | No |
data | An array to define the table data if a url is not provided. | No |
hasSearch | Display the search bar. | No |
methods | An object containing any functions to run within a row of the table. | No |
paginate | The number of items to paginate the table to. | No |
searchParams | An object of key/value pairs to add to the search. | No |
showEmpty | Pad paginated data with blank rows. | No |
beforeUpdate | Function to be called before updating the table. | No |
afterUpdate | Function to be called after updating the table. | No |
vuexSet | The name of the commit function to run for vuex integration. | No |
vuexGet | The name of the getter function to run for vuex integration. | No |
There are options to change the functionality of the search bar. These can be changed through the global options given when the plugin is activated.
import VueTable from '@pderas/vue2-table';
Vue.use(VueTable, {
expandible: false,
iconClasses: fa fa-search
Option | Description | Values |
expandible | Determines if the search expands on focus. | true/false |
iconClasses | The classes to generate the icon for the search bar | String |
iconSide | Determines what side the icon shows on. | left/right |
searchWhen | Determines when a search is run | onDelay/onEnter |
timeoutDelay | How long to wait before running a new search. (Only applies when searchWhen set to 'onDelay') | Number |
defaultTerm | The initial term to use when the searchbar loads. | String |
If a url is provided an ajax call is triggered every time a column is sorted or a search is run. The following parameters will be sent to the url provided.
Parameter | Description |
order | The order to sort the data by. Either 'asc' or 'desc'. |
paginate | The amount of rows to paginate by. |
selectedCol | The sortBy value of the current column selected for sorting. |
term | The current search term. |
Slots are used to provide additional items to the table while still keeping styles coherent.
Slot | Description |
row | Defines what a table row should look like. |
actions | Add actions buttons inline with the search bar |
This project is covered under the MIT License. Feel free to use it wherever you like.