A collection of vue 2 components for selecting a date. <date-selector>
provides 3 input boxes for an easy way to select the day, month, and year. <calendar-picker>
displays a calendar to select an individual date, or a start and end date.
Vue date selector is built as a vue plugin. It can be initialized just as the Vue documentation states.
import DateSelector from "@pderas/vue2-date-selector";
// this provides access to both <date-selector /> and <calendar-picker /> components globally
Vue date selector is easily created, and has many properties that can be changed.
Property | Required | Type | Default | Description |
value | false | String|Date | Date() | Value for the input, can be used with v-model |
formatFn | false | Function | (value) => {return value } | Formats the labels based on the function provided |
amountOfYears | false | Number | 20 | The amount of years to show in the date selector, from the current year |
amountOfYearsAfter | false | Number | 0 | The amount of years to show in the date selector, from after the current year |
disabled | false | Object | null | Specifies dates to disable from being selected in the picker |
disabledInput | false | Boolean | false | Disables the inputs on the date selector |
The disabled object contains two potential keys for disabling ranges of dates.
This is used for disabling dates up to a specific date.from
This is used for disabled dates after a specific date.
Currently only to
or from
can be used separately. They cannot be used together. The value can be either a valid date string or a date object.
Styling is currently limited, but can be expanded in the future.
Vue calendar picker is easily created, and has many properties that can be changed.
<calendar-picker v-model='dates' />
Property | Required | Type | Default | Description |
value | true | Object | -- | passed in the form of either { day: null } for single date picking, or { start: null, end: null } for multi day picking |
month | false | Number | new Date().getMonth() + 1 |
ones based month to be displayed (Jan = 1, Dec = 12) |
year | false | Number | new Date().getFullYear() |
year to be displayed |
multiDaySelect | false | Boolean | True | Allow either single, or multi day selection |
next | false | String | Next |
string to be displayed for next month button |
prev | false | String | Prev |
string to be displayed for previous month button |
highlighted | false | Object | {} |
days that should be highlighted on load. can include tooltip information to be displayed on hover. should be passed in the format { [dd-MM-yyyy]: { name: 'My Tooltip Info' }} . for example: |
"28-09-2018": {
name: "last friday in september"
"01-10-2018": {
name: "first monday in october"
Instead of providing a value
prop, v-model
can be used to make use of two way data binding. Similarly, the month
and year
props can be bound using the .sync
<!-- sync example -->
:year.sync='year' />
All elements are namespaced starting with .cal
and are written at the root level for the easiest customization. The calendar will grow/shrink width in relation to the surrounding div, and the squares height can be easily overwritten using .cal-day { height: 50px; }
. The most common styles to be overridden are likely to be the background colors of: .cal-header, .cal-inactive, .cal-today, .cal-highlighted, .cal-clicked, .cal-faded
This project is covered under the MIT License. Feel free to use it wherever you like.