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Tabular v2

Vue 3 Only (use v1.. for vue 2)

Tab"u*lar (?),

a. [L. tabularis, fr. tabula a board, table. See Table.]

Having the form of, or pertaining to, a table (in any of the uses of the word).


npm i @pderas/tabular

import PderasTable from '@pderas/tabular';

  setup({ App }) {
    const app = createApp({
      render: () => h(App, props)


More advanced usage can be used to override the default sortBy order indication

// get the desired component
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome';
import PderasTable from '@pderas/tabular';

app.use(PderasTable, {
    // Override the builtin components
    componentOverrides: {
        // Specifically the TableOrderIndicator component
        TableOrderIndicator: {
            // replace with FontAwesomeIcon
            component: FontAwesomeIcon,
            // props will receive the current order as a parameter
            props: ({ order }) => ({
                // icon is a required prop for FontAwesomeIcon
                icon: order === 'asc' ? 'sort-amount-down' : 'sort-amount-up'

Example Usage

<TableContainer :data="data">

    <!-- Simplest Useful Table -->
        <TableHeader>Created At</TableHeader>

        <template #row="{ row:item }">
            <TableCell>{{ }}</TableCell>
            <TableCell>{{ item.created_at }}</TableCell>
            <TableCell><FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash" /></TableCell>

<TableContainer :data="tableData">

    <!-- Set the default selected sort column, and order -->
    <!-- @sort provides the selected column, and order as parameters -->
    <TableHeaders default-sort="name" default-order="asc" @sort="sortData">


        <!-- 'Sortable' header -->
        <TableHeader sort-by="name">Name</TableHeader>

        <TableHeader sort-by="created_at">
            <!-- Override the order indicator & default slot -->
            <!-- both default & order slots provide 'active', and 'order' props -->
            <template #default="{ active, order }">Created Date - {{ order }} - {{ active }}</template>
            <template #order="{ order }">{{ order === 'asc' ? 'Up' : 'Down' }}</template>

        <!-- Basic Header, no interactions -->

        <!-- Use a template to define the layout of each row -->
        <template #row="{ row:item, index }">
            <TableCell>{{ index }}</TableCell>
            <TableCell>{{ }}</TableCell>
            <TableCell>{{ item.created_at }}</TableCell>
            <TableCell><FontAwesomeIcon icon="trash" /></TableCell>

        <!-- Each pagination button is provided by an optional slot -->
        <TablePagination :data="paginationData" @paginate="updatePage">

            <template #first>First</template>

            <template #previous>Previous</template>

            <!-- Loops through surrounding page numbers, exposing each as a scopedSlot -->
            <!-- Adjust the number of pages on each side of current by providing :offset="2" to TablePagination -->
            <template #numbers="{ page }">{{ page }}</template>

            <template #next>Next</template>

            <template #last>Last</template>


export default {
    data: _ => ({
        tableData: [/* Array of all your data */],

        paginationData: {
            current_page: 4,
            last_page: 13

    methods: {
        sortData({ sortBy, order }) {
            // make your ajax call, sorting and ordering.

        updatePage({ page }) {
            // make your ajax call for the provided page number

Development Setup

npm install
npm link
npm run watch

Link package in project

npm link @pderas/tabular
npm run hot

@import 'tables.scss'; //template repo will have it

Update major/minor version in package.json and publish new package to npm

version: "2.0.0" -> version: "2.0.1"

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run bundle
npm publish