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[Draft] Connecting InReach Pro to EarthRanger

Chris Doehring edited this page Jul 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

Connecting InReach Pro to EarthRanger [DRAFT]

Create a Service Account in EarthRanger

  1. Create a service account with the following permission sets:
    1. Observation API
    2. Messsages API (or Full Access for Messages)
  2. Create a long-lived authorization token for the service account.

Create a Bridge Integration

Create a Gundi Bridge Integration (at

Give the integration a name and owner.

The Integration type is ER+InReach

The additional data is where most of the configuration goes.

Here's a template that you can use for a new integration.

  "er_site": "*******",
  "er_source_provider": "****-inreach",
  "er_token": "********************************************",
  "inreach_username": "*******",
  "inreach_password": "******",
  "inreach_url": ""

er_site is the domain name for the EarthRanger site.

er_source_provider is the natural-key for the SourceProvider in EarthRanger.

er_token is the long-lived token you created earlier.

inreach_username and inreach_password are the Inbound IPC credentials for Garmin's APIs. They're the same as you would use if configuring an InReach Pro account directly in EarthRanger.

inreach_url is the InBound URL for Garmin's API. These URLs are regional, so be sure to review it when looking at the Inreach settings page.

Save the integration and and you'll be able to grab these two values:

ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

apikey: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

In EarthRanger's SourceProvider form:

Adapter type: smart-integrate-adapter


apikey: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

In InReach IPC Configuration

Outbound Settings

Outbound Type: JSON_V2