DISCLAIMER: Sometimes Windows defender doesn't let you download the app and the executable get's falsely flagged as malware. I'm working to get this fixed. As a temporary fix, you can temporarily disable real-time-protection before installing. After the installation it should work fine.
- 📖 Description
- 🚀 Quick Start
- ✨ Features
- 🖼️ Screenshots
- 📦 Installation
- 🗑️ Uninstall
- 💻 Development / Run without installing
- 🏗️ Build from source
- 👥 Contributing
💻 Windows, Linux and Mac compatible. 💻
The PDF Tools App is a simple, offline and local and cross-platform desktop application that allows you to manipulate PDF files. Built with Tkinter
for GUI and PyMuPDF
for fast PDF processing, this app currently supports Windows, macOS, and Linux. So you don't have to upload your PDF files to the web.
Basically, an app that you can install locally on your system similar to iLovePDF, but works offline and is much simpler.
Download the latest release from the releases.
(More info at INSTALL.md)
Right now, the app supports the following features:
- PDF Merger: Merge multiple PDF files into a single PDF file.
- PDF Encryptor/Decryptor: Encrypt or decrypt a PDF file with a password.
- PDF Compressor: Compress your PDFs.
For screenshots of all the tools a look at DEMO.md
For OS-specific installation instructions, please refer to the INSTALL.md file.
You can also clone the repository and run the app locally.
Refer to the INSTALL.md file for OS-specific uninstallation instructions.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/P-ict0/pdf-tools-app.git cd pdf-tools-app
Install dependencies: (You might want to use a virtual environment)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python src/main.py
To build from source:
- Basic requirements and PyInstaller
git clone https://github.com/P-ict0/pdf-tools-app.git; cd pdf-tools-app
# Create venv and activate
python3 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate # Windows: .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
# Requirements
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyinstaller
# Create executable (You might want to change --icon path: Windows/Linux uses `.ico` and MacOS uses `.icns`)
pyinstaller --windowed --onedir --name pdf_tools --icon ./media/icons/pdf.ico --add-data "VERSION:." ./src/main.py
- OS-specific (Now follow instructions for your OS)
(WINDOWS ONLY) Create app installer:
# Might need Admin terminal for this
choco install innosetup --no-progress -y
# Compile
$VERSION = $(type .\VERSION)
iscc installers/windows_setup.iss /DMyAppVersion=$VERSION
# This will create a pdf_tools_setup.exe file to install the app
(MacOS ONLY): Create app
brew install create-dmg
mkdir -p dist/AppBundle
cp -R "dist/pdf_tools.app" dist/AppBundle/
create-dmg \
--volname "PDF Tools Installer" \
--volicon "./media/icons/pdf.icns" \
--window-pos 200 120 \
--window-size 800 400 \
--icon-size 100 \
--app-drop-link 600 185 \
--icon "pdf_tools.app.app" 200 190 \
"dist/pdf_tools_macos.dmg" \
# This will create a `dist/pdf_tools_macos.dmg` that you can then use to install
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to help improve functionality, design, or cross-platform compatibility.