In order to access this file, you must install Node.
CD through your file folder and add package jason file 'npm init --yes'
Install Express 'npm i express' NOTE if it doesn't work, try express@4.16.2
Add Postman to your browser.
(Since it is deprecated, you have the option to download it on their website.)
CD through your file folder and add the package JSON file
npm init --yes
Install Express
npm i express
NOTE if it doesnt work try express@4.16.2 -
for schema
npm i joi
NOTE if error again try joi@13.1.0 -
Then add nodemon "node Monitor" package in your file globally
npm i -g nodemon
- to access nodemon on terminal
nodemon <file name>
- to access nodemon on terminal
Install Express 'npm i express' NOTE if it doesn't work try express@4.16.2
For Schema 'npm i express' NOTE if error again try joi@13.1.0
Then add nodemon "Node Monitor" package in your file globally 'npm i -g nodemon'
- to access nodemon on terminal
nodemon <file name>
- to access nodemon on terminal
Copy this link into postman by using these HTTP Methods: Get - POST - PUT - DELETE
use port 3000 with link /api/courses/:id