This project is used to index and retrieve information in our ElastichSearch stack.
- DB_NAME (no default): The name of the database to connect to.
- DB_USER (no default): The user to connect to the database with.
- DB_PASSWORD (no default): The password to connect to the database with.
- DB_HOST (no default): The host of the database.
- DB_PORT (no default): The port of the database.
- ES_HOST (no default): The host of the ElasticSearch instance.
- ES_PORT (no default): The port of the ElasticSearch instance.
- ES_API_KEY (no default): The API key to connect to the ElasticSearch instance with.
- SHOPIFY_API_KEY (no default): The API key to connect to the Shopify API with.
- SHOPIFY_API_SECRET (no default): The API secret to connect to the Shopify API with.
In a terminal, do the following commands:
cd tools/;
nix-shell --run zsh;
cd ..;
poetry install;
# export all environment variables...
poetry run python3 -m pageindexer.main;
You can use the available docker-compose file to run the server in production mode.