RPG Organizer is a web application for keeping track of tabletop RPG games, and performing common actions that Game Masters and players may need while playing, organizing, or preparing for a tabletop RPG session/campaign.
In addition, the system will have a static section storing all of the OGL licensed content so that the content can be accessed via Google Home, Facebook Bots, and other systems, as well as via an API for other developers who want quick access to that information.
The first system we are developing this app for is D&D 5. This is partially due to the popularity of D&D, and also because D&D's publisher, Wizards of the Coast, provides what they call an Open Game License for the game, allowing developers like us to create free systems like this for D&D without paying any royalties or explicitly licensing the game from Wizards (which we are very thankful for).
We will eventually add support for more systems as we find the time and the legal ability to add support for those systems. If you have a system you would like to see supported, open an issue for it and we'll look into it.
We're still working on getting the project off the ground and an alpha ready, so we won't be ready for new systems for some time.
If you wish to run this application yourself, it is a standard Laravel app, please see the Laravel documentation for more information.
If you encounter any bugs with the system, or wish to see some feature implemented, please open an issue on our GitHub's issue tracker.
The names "Dungeons and Dragons", "D&D", and "Wizards of the Coast" are Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.