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Security: OwlPlug/owlplug-registry


Depending on the type of security issue and the component affected, there are two different report procedures:

If you have a doubt, follow the first procedure: Security vulnerability or issue on a software component

Security vulnerability or issue on a software component

Please do not report these security vulnerabilities through public GitHub issues.

Instead, report them using the contact form on the official website at

Use cases: Vulnerability on, vulnerability on OwlPlug client software, vulnerability on any server/software maintained for OwlPlug services, suspicious data leaks, phishing, abuse, etc...

Security issue on a package hosted by the registry

You can use Github issues to report a suspicious package / binary hosted by

(Optional) If you don't want to report the issue publicly, you can use the registry security advisory board

Use cases: Virus and Malware packages, corrupted packages, suspicious binaries, adware, abuse, on-purpose misleading data, etc...

There aren’t any published security advisories