About 30% of 110527 patients make an appointment with their doctor and after receiving instructions, they do not show. Why? Is this affected by the characteristics of the patients?
Using the data provided by the medical institution, I analyzed the effects of the independent variables(patients' characteristics) on the dependent variable(whether a patient showed or not) to see if they played a role in a patient not showing. Also to identify independent variables that can be used to predict whether a patient will show or not. I explored the probability of a patient showing up for their appointment given an independent variable.
The chracteristics of the patients I explored include;
- gender of patient
- age category of patient
- day of the week of their appointment
- if they were on a scholarship
- if they were involved in alcoholism
- if they were hypertensive
- if they had diabetes
- if they were handicapped
- if they received an sms
The data also includes:
- patient id
- appointment id
- scheduling date
- appointment date
- neighbourhood
- noshow column
The notebook can be found in the appointment-show-noshow-exploratory-data-analysis.ipynb file.
The Table of contents is not interactive in the notebook on GitHub but works in the html file.
The dataset used can be accessed on Kaggle.