A simple web crawler written in Rust and using the Tokio async runtime. It consists of a library and a CLI. The library could be reused for uses in different contexts (e.g. a web service).
I wrote this as part of a coding challenge. Read more about the design decisions I made in the design overview
Make sure you have Rust installed and then install with:
cargo install --git https://github.com/OscartGiles/spider_crab --locked
Get help.
spider_crab --help
Crawl a website.
spider_crab https://oscartgiles.github.io/
Save the results to file.
spider_crab https://oscartgiles.github.io/ -o crawl_results.txt
Hide links in the output.
spider_crab https://oscartgiles.github.io/ --hide-links
Limit the number of pages visited.
spider_crab https://docs.rs/ --max-pages 5 --hide-links
Crawl for a set period of time (in seconds).
spider_crab https://docs.rs/ --max-time 1 --hide-links
Limit the number of concurrent requests to a domain.
spider_crab https://docs.rs/ -c 1 --max-time 10
Ignore robots.txt. spider_crab respects it by default.
spider_crab https://docs.rs/ --ignore-robots --max-time 10
The CLI can export traces to an OTLP collector. For example, you could export traces to Jaeger. To try it out start Jaeger with docker:
docker run --name spider_crab_jaeger -e COLLECTOR_OTLP_ENABLED=true -p6831:6831/udp -p6832:6832/udp -p16686:16686 -p14268:14268 -p 4317:4317 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
and then run the CLI with the --otl-endpoint
spider_crab https://oscartgiles.github.io/ --otl-endpoint http://localhost:4317
You can then view the logs at http://localhost:16686/
Clean up the Jaeger container.
docker stop spider_crab_jaeger; docker rm spider_crab_jaeger
Run tests.
cargo test
Run benchmarks (currently only http parsing is benchmarked) and open an html report.
cargo bench
open ./target/criterion/report/index.html
Open library docs.
cargo doc --open