Releases: OriginTrail/dkg-evm-module
Releases · OriginTrail/dkg-evm-module
DKG EVM Module 8.0.3 Release
Version 8.0.3 enables Paranets on DKG V8 with additional features and improvements.
🚀 Features
- Added Staging as new Knowledge Submission Policy
- Added support for paranet to have multiple incentivisation contracts with different tokens
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DKG EVM Module 4.1.0 Release
🚀&🐛 Features and Bug Fixes
- Multichain Integration changes (#189, #190, #191, #193, #195)
- ContentAssetStorageV2
- Added ERC721 metadata
- IdentityStorageV2
- Fixed bug with the empty event
- HubV2
- Fixed Set library
- Fixed unit tests
- Added new unit tests
- Reworked deployment scripts
- ContentAssetStorageV2
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v4.0.4...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.5
DKG EVM Module 4.0.7 Release
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where local hardhat node did not redeploy contracts on restart (#178)
- Fixed github action for npm publish (#179)
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v4.0.5...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.6
DKG EVM Module 4.0.5 Release
🚀 Features
- Added HubController contract (#138)
🌟 Improvements
- Improved deployment scripts in order to avoid failures during the process
- Added statuses for the contracts (#138)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- ServiceAgreementV1U1 object creation bug fixed (#170)
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v4.0.4...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.5
DKG EVM Module 4.0.4 Release
🌟 Improvements
- Changed asset storing period extension function name (#121)
- Removed unnecessary AssertionStorage dependency (#121)
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v4.0.3...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.4
DKG EVM Module 4.0.3 Release
🐛 Bug Fixes
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v4.0.2...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.3
DKG EVM Module 4.0.2 Release
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Added additional hardhat config for local node (#118)
- Moved necessary dependencies from dev in order to be able to compile and run local node using npm package (#118)
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v4.0.1...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.2
DKG EVM Module 4.0.1 Release
🐛 Bug Fixes
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v4.0.0...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.1
DKG EVM Module 4.0.0 Release
🚀 Features
- Update feature for ContentAsset
- Burn feature for ContentAsset
- Update cancel feature for ContentAsset
- Storing period extension feature for ContentAsset
- Payment increase feature for ContentAsset
- Update payment increase feature for ContentAsset
🌟 Improvements
- Migration from truffle to hardhat
- Bigger tests coverage
- Redundant code removed
- Gas cost optimizations
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v3.2.1...dkg-evm-module-v4.0.0
DKG EVM Module 3.2.1 Release
What's Changed
- Deploy script for mainnet updated by @djordjekovac in #85
- Added npm-publish.yaml github actions workflow by @u-hubar in #88
- Added checks.yml github workflow for linting/tests by @u-hubar in #89
- Added solhint configuration, prettier plugin, eslint, husky by @u-hubar in #87
- Compilation improvements, custom errors by @u-hubar in #91
- Added github workflows for releases npm-publish and linting/tests checks by @u-hubar in #90
- Main release: Refactored and added tests for Profile contract by @AnaDjokovic in #86
- New ContentAsset features by @u-hubar in #92
- Contract addresses updated for mainnet and testnet by @djordjekovac in #93
- Added deployed devnet contract addresses, updated env params usage by @djordjekovac in #94
Full Changelog: dkg-evm-module-v3.2.0...dkg-evm-module-v3.2.1