Plugin manager for cocos2d-x with support sdkbox plugin format.
sdkbar --help|-h
show help page.
sdkbar --list|-l
show installed plugins list
sdkbar --list-box|-b
show all available plugins from SdkBox server.
sdkbar --search|-s <word>
search plugins in SdkBox server matched to word.
sdkbar --install|-i <plugin source>
install the plugin from local or remote source. You can use link to github repo, or link to zip or tar.gz archive.
sdkbar --remove|-r <plugin name>
remove the installed plugin.
sdkbar --update|-u <plugin name
update the installed plugin. If the plugin have no updates (it's version number was not changed from the previous installation) the operation will be cancelled.
sdkbar --updateall
update all installed plugins
sdkbar --show <plugin name>
show detail information about an SdkBar plugin.
shows a lot of debug output
don't clean install temp folder which usually is ~/.sdkbar/cache
--variable|-v KEY=VALUE
set installation variable. Some plugins can use them to set up the plugin configuration.
ignores dependency errors.
Show plugins list:
bash-3.2$ sdkbar --list
Installed plugins:
sdkbar-utils 0.0.2
sdkbar-vk 0.0.3
sdkbar-ok 0.0.3
Remove some plugin:
sdkbar --remove sdkbar-vk
Install local plugin:
sdkbar --install ~/projects/sdkbar-vk/ --variable APP_ID=NNNNNNN
Install remote plugin from the git repository:
sdkbar --install --variable APP_ID=NNNNNNN
Install remove plugin from the specified git commit:
sdkbar --install --variable APP_ID=NNNNNNN
Install SDKBOX plugin:
sdkbar -i sdkboxads
Note: now you can update plugins with --update
command only if them was installed from the git repository.