Turbine inspection app. Leaders create checklists for inspectors to complete.
- CRUD Checklist
- CRUD Tasks for the Checklists
- CRUD Workflows from the Checklists
- CRUD Punches for the Checklist Tasks
- CRUD Uploads for the Punches
- Create Invoices with help from Invoice Function App
- Read Notifications created in the Invoice Function App
Clone and Run the API Application:
- Clone repo:
gh repo clone OptiCorp/turbin-sikker-api
- Navigate to project folder:
cd turbin-sikker-api/
- Run API:
cd turbin.sikker.core && dotnet run
- type (feat, fix, chore, refactor)
- issue number
- Descriptive text.
CATEGORY ||--o{ TASK : "belongs to"
CHECKLIST }o--o{ TASK : "is a part of"
CHECKLIST ||--o{ WORKFLOW : "is used in"
TASK ||--o{ PUNCH : "can include"
WORKFLOW ||--o{ PUNCH : "is associated with"
USER ||--o{ PUNCH : "creates"
USER ||--o{ CHECKLIST : "creates"
USER ||--o{ WORKFLOW : "is assigned to"
PUNCH ||--o{ UPLOAD : "contains"
ROLE ||--o{ USER : "has"
After changing models, services, contollers or context, run the following command:
dotnet ef migrations add <NameOfChanges>
dotnet ef database update (or start the solution)
To undo migration, run the following command:
dotnet ef migrations remove
dotnet ef database update (or start the solution)
dotnet ef database update <NameofMigrationYouWantToRevertTo>
dotnet ef migrations remove (will remove all migration after the one you reverted to)