A search engine that helps customers find products based on their queries, filters, and preferences, and that ranks the results based on relevance and quality.
- Search bar for users to input keywords and query the search engine.
- Filtering and sorting options.
- Display of search results in a grid or list view.
- Product details page displaying information about a specific product.
- Pagination to navigate through multiple pages of search results.
- Add to cart functionality.
- Indexing and storing product information in a database.
- Search functionality to query the database and retrieve relevant products based on user's search keywords.
- Sorting and filtering
- Integration with external APIs for retrieving product information.
Choose any javascript frameworks or libraries you want to use . Preferences are
- Svelte
- NextJs
- NestJs
- ExpressJs
- Postgres
- Supabase
You can take inspiration from the above design but it's not concrete that you have to build the exact page. Since the functionalities are different you will need to make an appt. change to the page accordingly. You need to keep the look and feel of the design in mind while making the changes.