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Network Update Reference Storage Service - Node.js

WARNING: It is critical to note that the Reference Storage Service is not production ready code. It is the simplest working demo we could provide. It uses temporary container storage (the data is lost anytime the container is restarted) and does not do any security validation or virus scanning of file content itself. The details of a production implementation are the sole responsibility of the customer implementing and deploying the custom storage solution.

Example storage service with Node.js, Express, and TypeScript.


npm ci


npm run build

Run in prod mode

npm run start

Run in dev mode

To start the app with hot reloading:

npm run dev

Run Tests

npm run test


Environment Vars

Variable Description Default Value
PORT Port the Reference Storage Service is accessible on 4000
STORAGE_SERVICE_API_BASE_PATH Base path which prefixes all urls. nu-storage
FILE_SIZE_LIMIT Max size for saving a single file. 1gb
STORAGE_DEMO_API_BASE_PATH Base path which prefixes the demo only read file endpoint. nu-storage-demo
STORAGE_DEMO_BASE_URL Host + port of the demo read files endpoint. http://localhost:4000
STORAGE_DEMO_DOWNLOAD_TYPE Download options when reading files. For demo purposes, you can open in the browser (with the default 'open' option), or download as an attachment (by overriding with 'attachment') open

By default, app runs with a path of http://localhost:4000/nu-storage

(Optional) Run with debug logs

To enable debug logging, set the following env var prior to running the app.

Optionally to run with debug options:

export DEBUG=express:*


Check if storage service is running (FOR DEMO PURPOSES ONLY!!!)

GET <storage base path>/v1/status

For example, http://localhost:4000/nu-storage/v1/status

Save a file (the API you must implement)

POST <storage base path>/v1/files?type=image&featureId={id}

Accepts: image/*

For example, http://localhost:4000/nu-storage/v1/files?type=image&featureId=xxxxxx

Query Params

Query Param Description Required
type Type of file being saved. Only supported file type: image Yes
featureId Urn of the feature the file is associated with Yes

Response Statuses

HTTP Status Description
201 Created If file is saved successfully
400 Bad Request If any part of the request is invalid, for example if the query params or file data is missing
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected exception occurred

Response Body

  "filePath": "string"

Error Response

  "statusCode": "number",
  "errors": [
Error Response Field Description Type
statusCode The HTTP status code number
errors One or more descriptive messages about the error which occurred string array

Check if read file service is running (FOR DEMO PURPOSES ONLY!!!)

GET <storage demo base path>/v1/status

For example, http://localhost:4000/nu-storage-demo/v1/status


GET <storage demo base path>/v1/files?filePath=<url encoded filepath>

For example, http://localhost:4000/nu-storage-demo/v1/files?filePath=%2Fnu-reference-storage-service-node%2Fsrc%2Fimage%2F333-ff36f800-4660-11ec-b840-4f0ea6969635.png

Query Params

Query Param Description Required
filePath Path of where file is stored within image Yes

Response Statuses

HTTP Status Description
200 Created If file returned successfully
400 Bad Request If any part of the request is invalid, for example if the query params are missing
404 Not Found If requested file does not exist
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected exception occurred

Response Body

Produces: image/* Raw contents of file.

  "statusCode": "number",
  "errors": [
Error Response Field Description Type
statusCode The HTTP status code number
errors One or more descriptive messages about the error which occurred string array

OSS Notice

Library License Url
express MIT
form-data MIT
http-status-codes MIT
mime-types MIT
morgan MIT
uuid MIT


No description or website provided.








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