The Fake County synthetic panel dataset contains approximately 40,000 records comprising four years of data with roughly 10,000 teachers per year. The dataset includes information about teacher demographics, teaching assignments, salary, credentials, experience, evaluation scores, and hiring and retention status. It also includes information about school types and average student characteristics for each school. There are no real teachers in the dataset, but it is based on real data. Fake County was developed as an offshoot of the Strategic Data Project's work on human capital diagnostics for school districts and state education departments, and can be used for teaching or collaboration. The data was synthesized using the R synthpop package.
This repository contains the following files:
is a teacher-year data file in Stata formatfake_county_variables.csv
contains variable names and descriptions
These materials were originally authored by the Strategic Data Project.
OpenSDP is an online, public repository of analytic code, tools, and training intended to foster collaboration among education analysts and researchers in order to accelerate the improvement of our school systems. The community is hosted by the Strategic Data Project, an initiative of the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University. We welcome contributions and feedback.