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LaTeX Features Packages Conversion Requirements

Chad Nester edited this page Jun 17, 2015 · 5 revisions

To determine which tool is best suited for converting OLP to other formats (esp ebook), it's crucial to determine a) which tools support how may of the packages OLP uses and b) how easy/hard it would be to expand these tools to cover the functionality needed. See Conversion Options.

Some features of the OLP will be most easily dealt with by pre-processing. For instance, instead of fiddling with a conversion tool to dal with `!A` for formulas, replace these by, e.g., `\formula{A}` or directly by the output token, e.g., `A` or `\phi`. The same goes for `!!{formula}`` etc.

LaTeX Packages Used/Supported

Package Purpose LatexML HeVeA Pandoc Remarks
amssymb various math symbols, fonts Yes Most ?
amsmath math environments, e.g., align, cases Yes Some ?
bussproofs typeset proof trees No No (does support mathpartir) No could switch to proofs.sty as an alternative.
tikz diagrams of various sorts Sort Of. It tries. Sort Of. It tries. ? question will mainly be: how nice are the pictures the tools produce?
xparse make new commands with flexible optional arguments No No No only needs \DeclareDocumentCommand
etoolbox tags and tag processing in sty/o-l-selective.sty No No ? needs etoolbox's toggles and docsvlist commands only
verbatim supress text selectively Yes Yes ?
cleverref add "Theorem" etc to references No Yes ? poorman option generates sed script that can be used for preprocessing if not supported
thmtools defines theorem envs and works nicely with cleverref No No ? low priority; cleverref names can be hand-coded
natbib bibliographic references Yes Yes ? not yet used. support may influence choice.
biblatex bibliographic references Yes (There appears to be a bibTeX binding including biblatex) No ? not yet used. support may influence choice.
subfiles importing texts, allowing sections to be easily compiled alone No No ?
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