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Creating a Secure URL for Innerloop Development

Adam Wisniewski edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 1 revision

The Open Liberty stack activates a default HTTP route on port 9080. This can be used for most development and testing. If, however, a secure route is needed (e.g. accessing MP Metrics), you can create one with the following steps:

  1. Create the secure URL

    odo url create --secure --port=9443
    odo push
  2. (Temporary workaround) Manually edit the Route in OCP.

    The "odo url create" command does not currently support additional Route configuration options. Additionally, devfiles does not support tls.termination configuration:

    In order to properly configure the secure route do the following:

    1. Navigate to your secure route in OCP (Networking -> Routes -> <route_name>)
    2. Remove spec.tls.path: / from the YAML configuration file
    3. Manually set spec.tls.termination: passthrough in the YAML configuration file