- OLMIS-2956: Removed UserRightFactory from requisition-initiate module, and replaced with permissionService
- OLMIS-3294: Added loading modal after the approval is finished.
- OLMIS-2700: Added date initiated column and sorting to the View Requisitions table. Removed date authorized and date approved.
- OLMIS-3181: Added front-end validation to the requisition batch approval screen.
- OLMIS-3233: Added ability to delete requisitions with "skipped" status.
- OLMIS-3246: Added 'show' field to reason assignments
- OLMIS-3471: Explanation field on Non Full supply tab is no longer mandatory
- OLMIS-3318: Added requisitions caching to the Convert to Order screen.
- Updated dev-ui version to 6.
Bug fixes:
- OLMIS-3151: Fixed automatically resolving mathematical error with adjustments.
- OLMIS-3255: Fixed auto-select the "Supplying facility" on Requisition Convert to Order.
- OLMIS-3296: Reworked facility-program select component to use cached programs, minimal facilities and permission strings.
- OLMIS-3322: Added storing initiated requisition in offline cache.