Stochastic assessment and mapping of deep geothermal potential using 3D voxel-based geological models
3DHIP-Calculator is a new standalone software written in MATLAB language R2019 developed by the Area of Geological Resources of the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) in colaboration with the Unit of Geotectonics, Department of Geology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
The tool allows to assess the deep geothermal energy potential of hot deep aquifers from 3D geological and thermal voxel models. The App applies the USGS "Heat-in-Place (HIP)" method (Muffler and Cataldi, 1978) using a stochastic approach based on Monte Carlo simulations.
Instructions about the content of the repository of the current version 3DHIP-Calculator v1.2 (August 2022)
In this folder you can distinguish two main folders:
3DHIP_executable v_1.2 folder : Which contains the standalone executable MATLAB-based software compiled for Microsoft Windows™ (3DHIP_Calculator.exe). During the installation MATLAB libraries will be automatically downloaded and installed to correctly run the app. To install the app just double click on the executable file and follow the installation instructions. Al the files described in the next folder are compiled in the standalone executable.
3DHIP_v1.2._files folder: Which contains the source code and other different files to use the 3DHIP-Calculator v1.2. in MATLAB.
3DHIP_Calculator_Software_User_Manual_v1.2.pdf: The software manual in PDF
HIP_Calculator.mlapp: the source code *.mlapp file for the App Designer in MATLAB. To use it, just click and the app designer script will open into MATLAB. Both graphical interface and code view can be acceded.
Image files used in the HIP_Calculator.mlapp:
- licence.png
- Logo_3DHIP.png
- logoICGC.svg
- logoUAB.svg
- Mini-Logo_3DHIP.png
- Well_image.jpg – Blanc-Mesnil Geothermal district heating, Paris Basin (source photo: ICGC, January 2016)
- workflow_diagram_1_2.png
License: The product is released under the Creative Commons licence Attribution 4.0 International, known as CC BY 4.0.
For more information on the 3DHIP-Calculator App
- Website:
- E-mail for contact:
How the cite the tool
Piris, G., Herms, I., Griera, A., Gómez-Rivas, E., Colomer, M. (2022). 3DHIP-Calculator (v1.2) [Software]. ICGC, UAB. CC-BY 4.0.
References about the tool
Herms, I.; Piris, G.; Colomer, M.; Peigney, C.; Griera, A.; Ledo, J. (2020). 3D Numerical Modelling Combined with a Stochastic Approach in a Matlab-based Tool to Assess Deep Geothermal Potential in Catalonia: The Case Test Study of the Reus Valls Basin. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020 ([extended abstract])(
Piris, G.; Herms, I.; Griera, A.; Colomer, M.; Arnó, G.; Gomez-Rivas, E. 3DHIP-Calculator—A New Tool to Stochastically Assess Deep Geothermal Potential Using the Heat-In-Place Method from Voxel-Based 3D Geological Models. Energies 2021, 14, 7338.