Just run the following command:
docker-compose up
There is a basic api using express in api folder
There is an API spec for swagger in the api-def folder. Go to http://editor.swagger.io/ and paste it in to the editor. From there you can generate a server and a client
Create a user first: http://localhost/create-user.html Then use that user's email to create POIs: http://localhost/create-poi.html
There are 2 main api endpoints which will readily be used:
User POST example:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
-H "Postman-Token: 9a550192-c030-1789-ed0e-32be9e67cc07" \
-d '{"name" : "wesley", "email": "wesley@example1.com"}' \
POI POST example:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW5AbyBjcC5jb206YWRtaW4=" \
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache" \
-H "Postman-Token: 463f4a4b-f8ef-61e2-306d-909e952f593d"
-d '{"name":"Cathedral Square","gps_lat":"10","gps_long":"10","distanceInMetres":100,"start_date":"2017-03-06T11:00:00.000Z","end_date":"2017-03-06T12:00:00.000Z","is_all_day":true,"poi_url":"","description":"It'"'"'s a historic site","categories":"6","tags":"","is_every_day":true,"days_of_week":"1,2,3"}' \
Database Entity Relationship diagram
Also useful resource for auditing:
Of note, the database is held by docker, you may want to setup a replication to somewhere else
docker-compose up # -d for daemon, --build if you make a change
# Remove database data
docker-compose down
docker volume rm ocpdocker_db-data
# Inspect
docker volume ls
docker volume inspect ocpdocker_db-data
docker ps
docker-compose ps
docker images
docker-compose rm -f
## Clear all
# Delete all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# Delete all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
# Delete all volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
# Shell Access
docker-machine ssh default
docker exec -it my-app-container bash
Just a note here that
- req.query = querystring
- req.params = rest params in /user/:id
- req.body = post options
- req.get(headerName) = for headers
Use req.method to distinguish post, get etc
Based on: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/338156/table-naming-dilemma-singular-vs-plural-names http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2878248/postgresql-naming-conventions
- Table names, column names are lowercase, with underscores
- Always use singlar names (user instead of users)
- ALL SQL is capitalised (SELECT, INSERT etc)
Required columns: when_updated and when_added - uses a trigger to update
When no clear unique id is clear for a table, use a uuid, preferably
SELECT uuid_generate_v1mc()
-- or -worse because disk frag, but actually random
SELECT gen_random_uuid()