Releases: OpenBioLink/ThoughtSource
Releases · OpenBioLink/ThoughtSource
Released ThoughtSource_33 collection with 60 reasoning chains for each item: Collection.load_thoughtsource_33()
Added an option for creating chained commands
Added chat option of gpt
Added filtering functions for already created chain-of-thoughts
Added new datasets: MMLU (six medical subsets) and open-ended question version of MedQA
Selecting specific generated_cots is now possible with any argument you want:
E.g. selecting all generated_cots from Wei with cot_trigger None:
coll = Collection(["commonsense_qa"], load_pregenerated_cots=True)
coll ="validation")
# select which generated cots to keep in Collection
coll.select_generated_cots(author="wei", cot_trigger=None)
Evaluation function improved. Function to load ThoughtSource100 collection: Collection.load_thoughtsource_100()
ThoughtSource_100 collection released with reasoning chains from GPT-text-davinci-003, flan-t5-xxl, and cohere's command-xl
Annotator tool updated for correct data schema (this might result in errors loading old datasets, when loading from json files).
Changes in datasets:
Pubmed_qa: Included "LONG_ANSWER" from origin schema as "cot" in ThoughtSource schema
Initial release after Twitter announcement of project