OpenBeta is 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to ensuring free and open access to rock climbing data in computer programming, research, and data science endeavors.
User ratings data extracted from MountainProject
Raw data files are temporarily unavailable. We will republish them in the near future.
Data files are in jsonlines format.
A sample record: (raw file)
"British":"HVS 5a"
"fa":"Jorge Urioste, Joanne Urioste, Joe Herbst, 1978",
"parent_sector":"Black Velvet Wall",
We recommend using Jupyter notebook and Pandas to work with the dataset. For a more complete example, check out our Pandas 101 tutorial.
import pandas as pd
# load the zip file directly
# 'lines=True' indicates jsonlines format
df = pd.read_json("/Users/nacho/git/opendata/", lines=True)
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OpenBeta is free because we want to make climbing information accessible for everyone. Please consider making a donation today.