Point cloud (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2) accumulation tool using any odometry (nav_msgs::Odometry, position and orientation) input.
cd {$YOUR_ROS_WS}/src
git clone https://github.com/JiwonSeokOOO/lidar_accumulator.git
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch lidar_accumulator lidar_accumulator.launch
- s_input_point_topic_name_: input point cloud topic name (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2)
- s_input-odom_topic_name_: input odometry topic name (nav_msgs::Odometry)
- s_output_point_topic_name_: output point_cloud tpic name (sensor_msgs::PointCloud2)
- cfg_i_accum_num_lidar_scan_: the number of lidar scan for accumulation
- cfg_d_accum_key_threshold_m_: to prevent accumulation of too close point cloud. Use keyframe(only consider translation).
- cfg_d_roi_min_m_: point cloud ROI. Only cut the scan point cloud
- cfg_d_roi_max_m_: point cloud ROI. Only cut the scan point cloud
- cfg_b_filter_use_voxel_: use voxel filtering.
- cfg_d_filter_voxel_leaf_: voxel filter size [m]
- cfg_b_msg_debug_: show debug message
- cfg_b_msg_comp_time_: show computation time (filtering, accumulation ...)
- Apply Calilbration
- Supply many lidar point cloud type
- Velodyne
- Ouster
- Livox
- Apply output point cloud frame_id configuration