[x] android: api 21+
[x] ios : 10.0+
$ npm install react-native-maskview --save
$ react-native link react-native-maskview
$ yarn add react-native-maskview
cd ios
pod install
Add Swift
add a .swift file
import {MaskView , MaskViewH} from 'react-native-maskview';
// (Android) MaskViewH Layer type Hardware
// TODO: What to do with the module?
<MaskView style={{width:300,height:300,backgroundColor:'purple',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}
<View style={{flex:1,display:'flex',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
<TextReact > MASK TEXT </TextReact>
} >
<Painter style={{width:250,height:250,backgroundColor:'green'}}>
<Rect x={0} y={0} w={150} h={170} fill={colorOrange} shadowOpacity={1} shadowOffset={{x:10,y:10}}/>
Name | description | default |
mask | An view whose alpha channel is used to mask a view’s content. | undefined |