As a part of the paper "DEplain: A German Parallel Corpus with Intralingual Translations into Plain Language for Sentence and Document Simplification.", we adapted and evaluated the popular alignment methods for German text simplification automatic alignment.
- Disabling the first level of the method (aligning the documents) as we already had the true document alignments
- Modifying the language-dependent tools used within the algorithm to fit the German language (e.g., the stopwords list, the tokenizer model, and the word embeddings model).
After cloning the repository
- Setup the environment
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Get the word embeddings model
wget -P models/
gzip -d models/
- Run the aligner method to get both the results and the evaluation scores
python \
-src path/to/complex_doc \ `document per line`
-tgt path/to/simple_doc \ `document per line`
-gold_src path/to/complex_sentences \ `sentence per line`
-gold_tgt path/to/simple_sentences \ `sentence per line`
-out_dir path/to/output_dir \
-batch_size 1 \
-w2v_model_path models/ \
-vec_size 300 \
-rolling_thresholds 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9
This code implements large-scale hierarchical alignment from the paper Large-scale Hierarchical Alignment for Data-driven Text Rewriting, presented at RANLP 2019.
The code constructs Annoy indices using document/sentence embeddings of two datasets, following which it performs nearest neighbour search across the datasets. It first extracts similar documents (document alignment), and then similar sentences (sentence alignment). See the paper for more info.
Install all project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will also need the linecache_light
library (not available through pip, you can install it
from source). I had to change a line in the file
to get it working in Python 3:
from import cPickle as pkl
to import pickle as pkl
The first step is to build an index of document embeddings.
This is implemented in the file
, e.g. if you want
to align two files, source and target, that contain one document
per line, run:
python -src_file source -emb sent2vec -vec_size 600
python -src_file target -emb sent2vec -vec_size 600
to compute sent2vec embeddings. You'd have to modify the script to point to the correct model file paths.
This will create two index files, source.sent2vec.ann and
target.sent2vec.ann for the above example. Run
python --help
for more info on all of the
available options. The Annoy
documentation also contains additional details.
After you have the source and target indices prepared, you can run the aligner as:
python -level hierarchical -src source -tgt target -emb sent2vec -vec_size 600 -batch_size 2000 -lower_th 0.65
run python --help
for more info on the available options.
This will first extract similar document pairs and then similar sentence pairs. The final sentence pairs will be stored in two files: source.hier.None and target.hier.None. Additionally, a file will be created, which will contain the final similarities of the sentence pairs.
After alignment, you can subsequently post-filter the extracted pairs, e.g. using:
python -src source.hier.None -tgt target.hier.None -sim -low_sim_th 0.7
author = {Nikolov, Nikola and Hahnloser, Richard},
title = {Large-scale Hierarchical Alignment for Data-driven Text Rewriting},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2019},
year = {2019}