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+ This repo was my proposal on how a modern FE could be built using some cool technologies.
+ The proposal is now collecting bitrot, so I decided to make this public as it doesn't look like this is going anywhere.
+ Note - none of this is live. This worked in late 2022, however, isn't being maintained.

Welcome to the revamped FE POC for the Raygun application.

I'm trying to impliment the first steps of the project plan I made at the end of 2022:

I see this as an accompanying piece to try communicate the structure to other developers.

What's this?

This is a Skeleton POC for the new FE application for Raygun. The application is built using React, Redux Toolkit, Vite, TailwindCSS, Typescript, and .NET Core MVC (v6).

UML (kinda... how do the pieces work?)


How can I run it?

Follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run npm/yarn install in the clientapp directory,
  3. Run npm/yarn dev in the clientapp directory
  4. Open the solution in Visual Studio / Rider
  5. Run the application

https://localhost:7124/ - is running a .NET MVC (v6) demo
https://localhost:7124/app - is running a React SPA demo

What's next?

Some loose ideas if we're happy with where this is going would include:

  • Rip out bootstrap/jquery from the base Razor pages
  • Update template building and project configuration to remove the /app routing for the SPA
  • Would be good to get a page ported

Implimented structure

The project structure has differed slightly from the origianl plan, I didn't want to spend too much time on the structure documentation as this is sitll a POC (and very much a WIP).

The structure of the project is as follows:

│   ├───node_modules
│   ├───public
│   └───src
│       ├───app
│       ├───common
│       │   ├───api
│       │   ├───components
│       │   │   ├───asteroid
│       │   │   │   ├───atoms
│       │   │   │   └───molecules
│       │   │   ├───charts
│       │   │   └───chrome
│       │   ├───hooks
│       │   └───utils
│       │       ├───charts
│       │       └───links
│       ├───features
│       │   ├───charts
│       │   │   └───errorsOverTime
│       │   └───demo
│       │       └───counter
│       ├───routes
│       ├───screens
│       │   ├───applicationPerformanceMonitoring
│       │   ├───authentication
│       │   │   └───signIn
│       │   ├───crashReporting
│       │   ├───planSettings
│       │   └───realUserMonitoring
│       ├───snowplow
│       ├───styles
│       │   ├───css
│       │   └───scss
│       │       ├───components
│       │       │   ├───asteriod
│       │       │   │   ├───atoms
│       │       │   │   └───molecules
│       │       │   └───charts
│       │       ├───icons
│       │       ├───shared
│       │       ├───vendor
│       │       │   └───tailwindCss
│       │       └───views
│       ├───types
│       └───vendor
│   ├───Fonts
│   └───Images
│   ├───Home
│   └───Shared
        │   └───dist
        │       ├───css
        │       └───js
        │   └───dist
        │   └───dist

The original structure plan was:

✅ ├ 📂Content
✅ │ ├ 📂Fonts - fonts used on site
✅ │ └ 📂Images - generic images
✅ │ └ 📂Clientapp - React SPA application
🚧 │   ├ 📂dist - bundled output
🚧 │   ├ 📂Grunt
🚧 │   │ ├ 📂build 
🚧 │   │ │ ├ 📂config - All build configs for the app (webpack etc)
🚧 │   │ │ ├ 📂tasks - Individual build tasks for the app
🚧 │   │ │ └ 📄registerTasks.js - Registers aliases for grouped tasks
🚧 │   │ ├ 📂echarts - eCharts config & build tasks
🚧 │   │ ├ 📂generateSvgIcons - svgstore config & build tasks
🚧 │   │ ├ 📂tests - jsHint config & build tasks (we can add to this in future)
🚧 │   │ ├ 📂updateIcons - icomoon config & build tasks
🚧 │   │ ├ 📄generateConfig.js - import & merge all the configs into one
🚧 │   │ ├ 📄loadTasks.js - load tasks from task directories
🚧 │   │ └ 📄registerTasks.js - import all registerTasks files 
✅ │   ├ 📂Styles
✅ │   │ ├ 📂components - styles for components, mimics the js structure, split by folders
✅ │   │ │ ├ 📂charts - chart specific styles
✅ │   │ │ ├ 📂asteriod - allows for multiple design systems in future(?)
✅ │   │ │ │ ├ 📂atoms - atom styles
✅ │   │ │ │ ├ 📂molecules - molecule styles
✅ │   │ │ │ └ screen.scss - imports all atoms & molecule styles
✅ │   │ ├ 📂icons - icon styles (icomoon etc)
✅ │   │ ├ 📂vendor - any vendor libs libs we want to use
✅ │   │ │ ├ 📂tailwindCss - folder per vendor style library
✅ │   │ │ └ screen.scss - imports all vendor styles 
✅ │   │ ├ 📂shared - any shared styles we want available sitewide (eg typography)
✅ │   │ ├ 📂views - page specific styles (⚠ use with caution)
✅ │   │ ├ 📄reset.scss - basic css reset
✅ │   │ ├ 📄screen.scss - import all styles to generate the base css file
✅ │   └ 📂Scripts
✅ │     └ 📂src
✅ │     	 ├ 📄index.tsx - Entry point file that renders the React component tree
✅ │     	 ├ 📂app - contains app-wide setup and layout that depends on all the other folders
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📄store.ts - store setup
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📄rootReducer.ts - root reducer (optional)
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📄main.tsx - wrap the app with providers (eg routing)
✅ │     	 │ └ 📄App.tsx - root React component
✅ │     	 ├ 📂common - contains truly generic and reusable utilities and components
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂components
✅ │     	 │ │ ├ 📂chrome - app containers & wrappers
✅ │     	 │ │ ├ 📂charts
✅ │     	 │ │ │ ├ 📂lineChart
✅ │     	 │ │ │	└ (other charts)
✅ │     	 │ │ ├ 📂asteriod
✅ │     	 │ │ │ ├ 📂atoms
✅ │     	 │ │ │ ├ 📂molecules
✅ │     	 │ │ │ └ 📄index.ts
✅ │     	 │ │ └ 📄index.ts
✅ │        │ ├ 📂api - where we can define the APIs that we wish to use
✅ │        │ │ └ 📄webapi.ts
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂hooks
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂utils
✅ │     	 │ │ ├ 📂charts
✅ │     	 │ │ ├ 📂links
✅ │     	 │ │ └ (etc)
✅ │     	 │ └ (other shared logic)
✅ │     	 ├ 📂features - folders that contain all functionality related to a specific feature
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂errorsOverTimeChart
✅ │     	 │ │ ├ 📄errorsOverTimeChartSlice.ts - "duck"-style file that contains a call to RTK's
✅ │     	 │ │ │	!! This is the network calls to the API
✅ │     	 │ │ └ 📄ErrorsOverTimeChart.tsx - component
✅ │     	 │ └ (etc)
✅ │     	 ├ 📂screens - specific screens, making use of features, split by folders
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂crashReporting - crash reporting specific screens
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂realUserMonitoring - real user monitoring specific screens
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂applicationPerformanceMonitoring - application performance monitoring specific screens
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂authentication - authentication specific screens
✅ │     	 │ ├ 📂planSettings - plan setting specific pages
✅ │     	 │ └ (etc)
✅ │     	 ├ 📂typings - vendor & dependency types
✅ │     	 ├ 📂snowplow - snowplow components & configuration
✅ │     	 └ 📂vendor - any vendor scripts we want to use go in here (⚠ use with caution)
✅ ├ 📂Views - c# razor pages
✅ ├ 📂Controllers - c# controllers
✅ ├ 📂Models - c# models
✅ ├ 📄package.json - project dependencies
🚧 ├ 📄yarn.lock - lockfile commited
✅ ├ 📄jestconfig.json - jest testing config
✅ ├ 📄tsconfig.json - TS project config
✅ ├ 📄tslint.json - TS lint settings
🚧 └ 📄Gruntfile.js - base gruntfile


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