Welcome to the code assessment for Lucid's UI Team.
This README details what we expect from you on this assessment. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out anytime.
Please, use this repository to fork the project into your account and submit the link to us (by email) with the final solution when done.
The purpose of this exercise is to build a React application based on the provided mockups and requirements below:
The application is a Quiz interface - a UI that shows a set of questions and lets the user select an answer for each one.
The Quiz features three different types of questions. Use the included mockups as references for styling.
A multiple-choice question (predefined answer options)
A "true or false" only answer question
An open-ended text question
The UI should fetch the questions data from an API (provided in this repository). More details in API instructions
The application should display one question per time, randomly selected from the set of questions.
When the user finishes the Quiz, the UI should display a summary page with the results, including:
- Number of correct answers
- Number of incorrect answers
- Total number of questions answered
- The final score (%)
- A button to restart the Quiz with a different questions
A reference mockup for the summary page is depicted below:
This repo provides a React application bootstrap. To get setup, run these commands:
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run it locally
npm start
The command above will:
- Start an HTTP server for the API (localhost:4000);
- Start an HTTP server (powered by react-scripts) for the front-end (localhost:3000);
This repository provides a basic API (running under port 4000) that returns the required data for the application.
The API will be available after running the npm start
I reshaped a little bit the structure of the folder by using yarn workspaces, as I found it very powerful for maintaining multi packages repo. I took the liberty to use graphQL as my protocol for communicating between the client and the server.
In order to launch the server and the client please make sure you are at the root of the project:
- Once at the root of the project you can simply run:
yarn install
npm install
- By running this command, it will launch simultaneously the gateway on port
and the client on port3000
yarn start
npm start
PS: you can get the playground by opening localhost:4000/graphql
in your browsers ;-)
- react
- react-dom
- react-router
- graphql
- apollo-server
- apollo-client
- apollo-cache-inmemory
- apollo-link-http
- emotionjs
- jest
- enzyme
- uuid
Just to name a few.
- For running test be sure you are at the root of the project and run:
yarn test
npm test