A simple and elegant Jekyll theme based on Spacemacs. Public site for Oliver Bailey
customize your site in _config.yml
# Site settings
description: A blog about lorem ipsum
baseurl: "" # the subpath
url: "" # the base hostname &/|| protocol for your site
# User settings
username: Lorem Ipsum
user_description: Lorem Developer
user_title: Lorem Ipsum
email: lorem@ipsum.com
twitter_username: loremipsum
github_username: loremipsum
gplus_username: loremipsum
disqus_username: loremipsum
See more about project and links in _config.yml
_posts create a file .md with structure:
layout: post
title: "Lorem ipsum speak.."
date: 2016-09-13 01:00:00
image: '/assets/img/post-image.png'
description: 'about tech'
- lorem
- tech
- Lorem ipsum
twitter_text: 'How to speak with Lorem'
You should open _config.yml
and change/add links
section_1: # you can use any name
- title: home # show on menu
url: / #link
key_trigger: 1 # link shortcut and show on the left of the title
- title: my posts
url: /posts
key_trigger: 2
- title: series
url: /series
key_trigger: 3
- title: tags
url: /tags
key_trigger: 4
- title: about me
url: /about
key_trigger: 5
- Gulp: The streaming build system.
- Stylus: expressive, dynamic, robust CSS.
- BrowserSync: Time-saving synchronised browser testing.
- Rupture: Simple media queries for stylus.
- Kouto-Swiss: A complete CSS framework for Stylus.
- Jeet: A grid system for human.
- Zepto.js: The aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library.
First, install jekyll and node.js.
- Fork the theme with your username, example:
- Clone repository to your computer
- run
npm install
- run
- Be happy by modifying the files
Space Jekyll uses the Stylus to process his css, then modifies the style of the theme in this folder.
You can go in the variable.styl and modify the colors.