Given a dataset this application evaluates the data and generates two linear models:
Model 1 - Evaluation applies the Least Square Method and generates the linear model.
Model 2 - Evaluation takes two data points x,f(x) and generates the linear model.
linear_LSM.m - Least Square Method evaluation and modeling
linear_two_points.m - Two poins evaluation and modeling
plotting_data_models.m - Scatter plot the data and plot the models on the same figure
plotting_residuals.m - Plots the residuals (forecast errors)
read_prepare_data.m - Reads the data and prepares for evaluations
statistical_eval.m - Evaluates statistical metrics for both models (Mean Absolute Percentage Error, Root Mean Square Error and R-Squared)
data - Stores the dataset, first column hold the values for the independent variable, second column the values for the dependent variable.
yHat_modeln - Stores the predicted values evaluated from the model n.
betaHat_modeln - Stores the values for the angular coefficient and intercept for the linear function for the model n.
Dataset must be a csv UTF-8 formatted file, no headers.
Single dependent variable.
Independent variable on column one.
Dependent variable on column two.
This a 2D evaluation.
Mathematical modeling
Stefan Heinz
Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool, Second Edition
John O. Rawlings Sastry G. Pantula David A. Dickey