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OleksandrZhabenko committed Dec 28, 2020
0 parents commit 792e3d1
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162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions DobutokO/Sound/DIS5G6G.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
-- |
-- Module : DobutokO.Sound.DIS5G6G
-- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
-- License : MIT
-- Stability : Experimental
-- Maintainer :
-- Helps to create experimental music from a file (or its part) and a Ukrainian text.
-- It can also generate a timbre for the notes. Uses SoX inside.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -threaded #-}

module DobutokO.Sound.DIS5G6G (
-- ** Auxiliary functions
-- *** Working with Intervals, Durations, Strengths and StrengthDb
, intervalsFromString
, vStrToVInt
, strToInt
, durationsAver
, str2Durat1
, str2Durations
, str2Vol1
, str2Volume
, doublesAveragedA
, doublesAveragedG
, equalize2Vec
, intervalsFromStringG
, silentSound2G
, strengthsAver
, strengthsDbAver
-- * New generalized 6G functions that works with Strengths
, apply6G
, apply6G2
, apply6GS
, apply6GS2
) where

import CaseBi (getBFst')
import Numeric
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Process
import EndOfExe
import Melodics.Ukrainian (convertToProperUkrainian)
import MMSyn7l
import DobutokO.Sound.IntermediateF
import DobutokO.Sound.Functional.Params
import DobutokO.Sound.Decibel

-- | Generatlized version of the 'intervalsFromString' with a possibility to specify your own 'Intervals'.
intervalsFromStringG :: Intervals -> String -> Intervals
intervalsFromStringG v = vStrToVIntG v . convertToProperUkrainian

-- | The default way to get 'Intervals' from a converted Ukrainian text.
vStrToVInt :: V.Vector String -> Intervals
vStrToVInt = (strToIntG defInt)

-- | The default way to get number of semi-tones between notes in a single element of 'Intervals'.
strToInt :: String -> Int
strToInt = strToIntG defInt
{-# INLINE strToInt #-}


-- | Arithmetic average for the 'V.Vector' is used as a weight for a duration.
doublesAveragedA :: V.Vector Float -> Float -> V.Vector Float
doublesAveragedA v4 y3
| V.null v4 || y3 == 0 = V.empty
| otherwise = let aver = V.sum v4 / fromIntegral (V.length v4) in if aver == 0.0 then doublesAveragedA (V.filter (/= 0.0) v4) y3
else (\t4 -> t4 * y3 / aver) v4

-- | Geometric average for the 'V.Vector' is used as a weight for a strength.
doublesAveragedG :: V.Vector Float -> Float -> V.Vector Float
doublesAveragedG v4 y3
| V.null v4 || y3 == 0 = V.empty
| otherwise = let aver = V.product v4 ** (fromIntegral 1 / (fromIntegral (V.length v4))) in if aver == 0.0 then doublesAveragedG (V.filter (/= 0.0) v4) y3
else (\t4 -> t4 * y3 / aver) v4

-- | 'Durations' accounting the desired average duration.
durationsAver :: Durations -> Float -> Durations
durationsAver = doublesAveragedA

-- | 'Strengths' accounting the desired average strength.
strengthsAver :: Strengths -> Float -> Strengths
strengthsAver = doublesAveragedG

-- | 'StrengthsDb' accounting the desired average strength in dB.
strengthsDbAver :: StrengthsDb -> Float -> StrengthsDb
strengthsDbAver = doublesAveragedG

-- | Auxiliar function to make all vectors in a 'V.Vector' equal by length (the minimum one).
equalize2Vec :: V.Vector (V.Vector a) -> V.Vector (V.Vector a)
equalize2Vec v = let min = V.minimum . V.length $ v in (V.unsafeSlice 0 min) v

-- | A full conversion to the 'Durations' from a Ukrainian text.
str2Durations :: String -> Float -> Durations
str2Durations xs y
| compare y 0.0 == GT && not (null xs) = durationsAver ( str2Durat1 . convertToProperUkrainian $ xs) y
| otherwise = V.empty

-- | A conversion to the 'Float' that is used inside 'str2Durations'.
str2Durat1 :: String -> Float
str2Durat1 = getBFst' ((-0.153016), V.fromList [("-", (-0.101995)), ("0", (-0.051020)), ("1", (-0.153016)), ("а", 0.138231), ("б", 0.057143),
("в", 0.082268), ("г", 0.076825), ("д", 0.072063), ("дж", 0.048934), ("дз", 0.055601), ("е", 0.093605), ("ж", 0.070658), ("з", 0.056054),
("и", 0.099955), ("й", 0.057143), ("к", 0.045351), ("л", 0.064036), ("м", 0.077370), ("н", 0.074240), ("о", 0.116463), ("п", 0.134830),
("р", 0.049206), ("с", 0.074603), ("сь", 0.074558), ("т", 0.110658), ("у", 0.109070), ("ф", 0.062268), ("х", 0.077188), ("ц", 0.053061),
("ць", 0.089342), ("ч", 0.057596), ("ш", 0.066077), ("ь", 0.020227), ("і", 0.094150), ("ґ", 0.062948)])

-- | A full conversion to the 'Strengths' from a Ukrainian text.
str2Volume :: String -> Strengths
str2Volume = (getBFst' (0.0, V.fromList [("а", 0.890533), ("б", 0.211334), ("в", (-0.630859)), ("г", (-0.757599)), ("д", 0.884613), ("дж", 0.768127),
("дз", (-0.731262)), ("е", (-0.742523)), ("ж", (-0.588959)), ("з", (-0.528870)), ("и", 0.770935), ("й", (-0.708008)), ("к", (-0.443085)),
("л", 0.572632), ("м", (-0.782349)), ("н", (-0.797607)), ("о", (-0.579559)), ("п", 0.124908), ("р", 0.647369), ("с", 0.155640), ("сь", (-0.207764)),
("т", -0.304443), ("у", 0.718262), ("ф", (-0.374359)), ("х", (-0.251160)), ("ц", (-0.392365)), ("ць", 0.381348), ("ч", (-0.189240)),
("ш", 0.251221), ("ь", 0.495483), ("і", (-0.682709)), ("ґ", 0.557098)])) . convertToProperUkrainian

-- | A conversion to the 'Float' that is used inside 'str2Volume'.
str2Vol1 :: String -> Float
str2Vol1 = getBFst' (0.0, V.fromList [("а", 0.890533), ("б", 0.211334), ("в", (-0.630859)), ("г", (-0.757599)), ("д", 0.884613), ("дж", 0.768127),
("дз", (-0.731262)), ("е", (-0.742523)), ("ж", (-0.588959)), ("з", (-0.528870)), ("и", 0.770935), ("й", (-0.708008)), ("к", (-0.443085)),
("л", 0.572632), ("м", (-0.782349)), ("н", (-0.797607)), ("о", (-0.579559)), ("п", 0.124908), ("р", 0.647369), ("с", 0.155640), ("сь", (-0.207764)),
("т", -0.304443), ("у", 0.718262), ("ф", (-0.374359)), ("х", (-0.251160)), ("ц", (-0.392365)), ("ць", 0.381348), ("ч", (-0.189240)),
("ш", 0.251221), ("ь", 0.495483), ("і", (-0.682709)), ("ґ", 0.557098)]) . V.unsafeHead . convertToProperUkrainian

-- | For the given non-existing 'FilePath' for a sound file supported by SoX generates a silence of the specified duration and quality (see,
-- 'soxBasicParams').
silentSound2G :: FilePath -> Float -> String -> IO ()
silentSound2G file y4 ys = do
_ <- readProcessWithExitCode (fromJust (showE "sox"))
((if null ys then id else soxBasicParams ys) ["-r22040","-n",file,"synth", showFFloat (Just 1) y4 "","sine","440.0","vol","0"]) ""
putStr ""

-- | After producing sounds as WAV or FLAC files you can apply to them volume adjustments using 'Strengths'. The first 'String' is used accordingly to
-- 'soxBasicParams' and the second one -- as a prefix of the filenames for the files that the function is applied to. The files must not be silent ones.
-- Otherwise, it leads to likely noise sounding or errors.
apply6G :: Strengths -> String -> String -> IO ()
apply6G v6 ys zs
| V.null v6 = putStrLn "Nothing changed, because the vector of volume adjustments is empty! "
| otherwise = do
dir0v <- listVDirectory3G ys zs
V.imapM_ (\i file -> soxE file ["norm","vol", showFFloat (Just 4) (V.unsafeIndex v6 (i `rem` V.length v6)) ""]) dir0v

-- | Variant of the 'apply6G' where you use as a 'Strengths' parameter that one obtained from a Ukrainian text provided as a first 'String' argument.
-- It uses 'str2Volume' inside. The files must not be silent ones. Otherwise, it leads to likely noise sounding or errors.
apply6GS :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
apply6GS xs = apply6G (str2Volume xs)

-- | Variant of the 'apply6G' function which can be applied also to the silent files. Whether a file is silent is defined using the 'Float' argument
-- so that if the maximum by absolute value amplitude is less by absolute value than the 'Float' argument then the file is not changed.
apply6G2 :: Strengths -> String -> String -> Float -> IO ()
apply6G2 v6 ys zs limV
| V.null v6 = putStrLn "Nothing changed, because the vector of volume adjustments is empty! "
| otherwise = do
dir0v <- listVDirectory3G ys zs
V.imapM_ (\i file -> apply6GSilentFile file limV (V.unsafeIndex v6 (i `rem` V.length v6))) dir0v

-- | Variant of the 'apply6G2' where you use as a 'Strengths' parameter that one obtained from a Ukrainian text provided as the first 'String' argument.
-- It uses 'str2Volume' inside.
apply6GS2 :: String -> String -> String -> Float -> IO ()
apply6GS2 xs = apply6G2 (str2Volume xs)

55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions DobutokO/Sound/Decibel.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
-- |
-- Module : DobutokO.Sound.Decibel
-- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
-- License : MIT
-- Stability : Experimental
-- Maintainer :
-- Helps to create experimental music from a file (or its part) and a Ukrainian text.
-- It can also generate a timbre for the notes. Uses SoX inside.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -threaded #-}

module DobutokO.Sound.Decibel (
-- * Type synonym with different semantics
-- * Working with StrengthsDb and Strengths and others
, dBOmegaRatio
, strength2dB_Abs
, strengthdB2ampl
, strengths2dB
, strengthsDb2ampl
) where

import qualified Data.Vector as V
import DobutokO.Sound.Functional.Params (Strengths)

-- | Is used to represent a set of volumes in the dB scale for SoX \"vol\" effect. Usually, the zero value corresponds to the sound with volume
-- level equal by absolute value to 1.0 (the extremum one). So for most cases, its elements are negative numbers not less than (-120).
type StrengthsDb = V.Vector Float

-- | Returns the frequency for which its ratio with the second 'Float' argument being under lg and being multiplied with 20 returns
-- the first 'Float' argument. For example, @dBOmegaRatio 6 440 ~ 880@ (actually, 877.9154185863069).
dBOmegaRatio :: Float -> Float -> Float
dBOmegaRatio dB omega0 = omega0 * 10 ** (dB / fromIntegral 20)

-- | Converts the absolute value of the argument to dB value compared to 1.0. Usually, is less than 0. The argument should not be equal to zero (0),
-- otherwise, it is equal to -'Infinity'.
strength2dB_Abs :: Float -> Float
strength2dB_Abs vol = 20 * logBase 10 (abs vol)

-- | Converts the absolute value of the argument from dB value to amplitude with 0 equivalent to amplitude of 1.0 (or -1.0 for inverted sound).
-- Usually, is used for negative arguments (or at least not positive ones).
strengthdB2ampl :: Float -> Float
strengthdB2ampl dB = 10 ** (dB / fromIntegral 20)

-- | Converts the 'V.Vector' of the absolute values of the argument to the 'V.Vector' of dB values compared to 1.0.
-- Usually, its elements are less than 0. If some element in the argument is equal to zero (0), the corresponding resulting element is equal to -'Infinity'.
strengths2dB :: Strengths -> StrengthsDb
strengths2dB v = strength2dB_Abs v

-- | Converts the 'V.Vector' of dB values to the 'V.Vector' of the amplitudes with 0 being equivalent to amplitude of 1.0 (or -1.0 for inverted sound).
-- Usually, is used for negative elements of the first argument (or at least not positive ones).
strengthsDb2ampl :: StrengthsDb -> Strengths
strengthsDb2ampl v = strengthdB2ampl v


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