Two Dobots cooperation. Used Dobot studio and PyDobot
Realisation video:
- First you need to install Dobot Studio
- Next to install PyDobot
Please note that Padobot does not have access to sensors, thats why we use two scripts.
First script - NewGrippingCubeFromRail. This script for IDE Dobot Studio. Second script - main_function. This script for Python IDE.
Just use pyDobot. There is example of code:
from pydobot import Dobot
dobot1 = Dobot(port="COM4") # init DOBOT (always check COM port)
dobot2 = Dobot(port="COM5") # init DOBOT (always check COM port)
x, y, z, r = dobot1.get_pose().position # getting pose of dobot, to have x, y, z
dobot1.move_to(x, y, z - 15)
x, y, z, r = dobot2.get_pose().position # getting pose of dobot, to have x, y, z
dobot2.move_to(x, y, z - 15)
dobot1.conveyor_belt_distance(speed=26.5, distance=10000, direction=1) # use 1 if you need to forward conveyor belt to wires of connection