Please follow this guideline during the project
- Tag a task from trello and drag the card to In progress
- Code + git
- branching practices etc.
git push origin branch
your commitsfeature/dev/personal
-branch ORmaster
if ready for staging server
- Drag card to DONE
- Mark working hours (task) to card comments
- Write new cards
- After finishing a task you'll probably notice something that should/could be done next.. Now is a great time to write them down for other to see
- Write notes on card comments can also be very useful. Perhaps copy them to a appropriate slack channel
- Working hours
- Count working hours from tasks
- Mark time used on story to backlog
- Mark "Done sprint" in backlog
git push
your commitsfeature/dev/personal
-branch if unfinishedmaster
if ready for staging server
- Mark your hours (all day) and what you've been working on
- Everybody + personal tabs!
Check steps for sprint planning meeting
git pull origin master
git checkout -b branch-name-here
- work work work work
git add -a /-p
git commit -m "Commit message"
- Push
- Ready for sharing to team:
- share/save your
-branch git push ?? ??
- share/save your
- Ready for staging:
git checkout master
git pull
git merge branch-name-here
git push ?? ??
- Ready for production:
- todo
- Ready for sharing to team: