- Document sprint taskboard
- Post-it wall
- Photograph + save to drive
- Trello
- Empty In progress (divide unfinished tasks to done/todo)
- Calculate time used on finished stories
- make a copy of trello board for documentation
- New Done list, archive old
- Post-it wall
- Document sprint statistics
- Story/sprint statistics
- Check working hours
- Write agenda
- Appoint meeting roles / tasks
- Scrum master / President / Puheenjohtaja
- resposible for staying on schedule and agenda
- Secretary (notes)
- Demo
- "Backlog updater"
- Scrum master / President / Puheenjohtaja
- Retrospective
- Mad / sad / glad
- More of / Less of / ..
- Photograph post-its + save to drive
- Assign each team member a card to follow and improve
- Content and purpose of the meeting (review + planning)
- Recall sprint goal
- Which stories finished?
- Demo of finished stories - Compare to acceptance criteria!
- Discuss stories + write down notes/suggestions/etc
- Move on to Sprint planning
- Update product backlog
- New stories
- Edit old stories
- Acceptance criteria
- Estimates
- Re-prioritize?
- Set sprint goal
- Let's get back about xxx on slack
- Next meeting?
- Divide work
- New working hours burndown
- Check definition of done
- Check acceptance criterias
- Stories to tasks
- post-it taskboard
- update trello