Getting daily top 200 songs using python "Web scrapping"
In this script I use "mechanicalsoup". You have to install this library in order to use this script.
You can also use "beautifulsoup" but you need to change the code a little bit. I added a dir and use "beautifulsoup" to see their diffrences.
This project is a simple usage of python "web scrapping" which allows developers to use the sources of a web page to get the data they need.
It uses html tags since every web page contains data inside of the html tags like li, td, ... , web scrapping lets us get the data out of these tags so we can use them in every way we want.
Notice that working with "mechanicalsoup" is much more easy than the "bautifulsoup". The "bs" uses simpler methods and need some extra work to get start our script, but on the other hand "ms" does this automaticlly.
Simple, usefull and convertable.
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