Trolley is e-commerce system that allows users to create fast and easy to use iOS Shops without having to wait time building a server
- Mobile Friendly: Many competitors forget about handheld devices, we don't. Never again will you have to use someones Shopify wrapper to build your iOS store.
- Swift Built: This allows all the fun parts of Swift coding to come into play, less crashes and more fun.
- ObjectiveC Support: To help with developers who still love ObjectiveC, they can still use our SDK, some things are missed out but still as fun to use.
- Promise Kit: Built around promise kit, so all the async code runs perfectly
Please see our documentation for examples: ObjectiveC, Swift
Trolley is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Trolley"
pod "Trolley/Database" # For the Product/Basket Management
# Coming Soon
pod "Trolley/Notification" # For Notifications
pod "Trolley/Delivery" # For Delivery Tracking
pod "Trolley/UI" # For UI Elements and nice items
pod "Trolley/ARKit" # Name is the clue
For now, until the website is up and running, all documentation will be stored here:
See for more details!
Trolley is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.