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Simple Bookmarklets

jagthedrummer edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 1 revision

Generating a new simple bookmarklet

Run something like this:

rails generate easymarklet:simple foobaz

This wil add a file to your javascripts directory that will hold the code for your bookmarklet.



  // Your bookmarklet code goes here


You might alter it to look something like this:

  var p = document.createElement('p');
  p.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Foo vs. Baz'));

Linking to your bookmarklet

Then in a view template you can link to your bookmarklet using the easymarklet_js helper.

<%= link_to "Foo Baz!", easymarklet_js('foobaz_bookmarklet.js') %>

The resulting link will contain a small snippet of javascript that will load your bookmarklet code into the current page and execute it. Place some instructions for your users near the link that tells them to drag the link into their bookmark bar.

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