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Time based goals
Fetch Timery data and update goals

Project start date: [[2022-09-17]]


What are your thoughts about this?

In [[2022-08 August]] I didn't accomplish my goals while I believed that I put more than enough effort in. It would have been better to have time based goals which can be accomplished no matter how large a task one is working on.

Why are you doing it?

To put in the effort AND feel good about it.

Describe the completed project:

There are automatically updated goals in my monthly note in [[Obsidian]] which pulls data from Toggl and fills in how much I actually worked on a thing.

How do you solve it?

I think this could be a background [[UNIX]] process that runs every hour or... let's start with it running every time I run the Briefing [[Keyboard Maestro]] shortcut. Then there would be a [[Python]] script which finds the appropriate string in a specified file, gets how much time was tracked for the specific entry and rewrites the file with the updated value. Oh and it for sure makes a backup first. I don't want to be losing data.


Next steps #project/back-burner #day/on

  • Figure out how to get time track this month for specific description
  • Figure out how to rewrite text file with a single line changed
    • What format to use?
  • Automate
  • Figure out time blocking



Prepared snippet for [[Time Blocking]] if I commit to it in the future.

def evaluate_timeblocks(fields, rows, data_dic):  
    # loop through rows and find matching data entries in data_dic  
# csv file name  
filename = "/Users/yanbarta/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~is~workflow~my~workflows/Documents/time_blocks.csv"  
# initializing the titles and rows list  
fields = []  
rows = []  
# reading csv file  
with open(filename, 'r') as csvfile:  
    # creating a csv reader object    csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)  
    # extracting field names through first row    fields = next(csvreader)  
    # extracting each data row one by one    for row in csvreader:        rows.append(row


Functioning version in case I somehow mess up:

import datetime  
import json  
import requests  
from base64 import b64encode  
from datetime import timedelta, date  
import time  
def time_conversion(sec):  
    hour_value = sec // 3600  
    minute_value = (sec - (hour_value * 3600)) // 60  
    # make sure there are always at least 2 digits, prepending 0 if necessary  
    return '{:02d}'.format(hour_value), '{:02d}'.format(minute_value)  
# get today's date in UNIX timestamp  
today = int(time.time())  
# get beginning of month in unix timestamp  
date_time = datetime.datetime(,, 1, 0, 0, 0)  
month_start = int(time.mktime(date_time.timetuple()))  
# fetch json data from toggl  
data = requests.get('', params={'since': {month_start}}, headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'Basic %s' %  b64encode(b'...:api_token').decode("ascii")})  
obj = data.json()  
# Go through the entries and add up the time spent on them  
totals = {}  
for entry in obj:  
    if entry['start'][0:7] != f"{}-{'{:02d}'.format(}" or entry['server_deleted_at'] is not None:  
    if entry["description"] in totals:  
        totals[entry["description"]] = totals[entry["description"]] + entry["duration"]  
        totals[entry["description"]] = entry["duration"]  
# reformat into human friendly format  
hh_mmformat = {}  
for category in totals:  
    hh_mmformat[category] = time_conversion(int(totals[category]))  
file = "/Users/yanbarta/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/The Foundation/Projects/Time tracking"  
tracking_file = open(file, "r")  
new = []  
previously = tracking_file.readlines()  
for line in previously:  
    # check for an errand free line top or bottom  
    if line == '\n':  
    # Find first occurrence of ":"  
    index = line.find(":")  
    # Get tracked timer  
    tracked = line[6:index]  
    ticked = "x" if line[3] == "x" else " "  
    goal = tuple([x for x in line[-6:-1].split(":")])  
    if tracked in hh_mmformat.keys():  
        # get how much was supposed to be tracked  
        currently = hh_mmformat[tracked]  
        currently = ('00', '00')  
    new.append([ticked, tracked, currently, goal])  
writing_file = open(file, "w")  
for row in new:  
    writing_file.write(f"- [{row[0]}] {row[1]}: {row[2][0]}:{row[2][1]} / {row[3][0]}:{row[3][1]}\n")  
#print("Worked fine")


Managed to get it all working. Here is the code so far, let's see if there are any bugs.

import datetime
import json

import requests
from base64 import b64encode
from datetime import timedelta, date
import time

def time_conversion(sec):
   hour_value = sec // 3600
   min = (sec - (hour_value * 3600)) // 60
   return hour_value, min

# get today's date in UNIX timestamp
today = int(time.time())
# get beginning of month in unix timestamp
date_time = datetime.datetime(,, 1, 0, 0, 0)
month_start = int(time.mktime(date_time.timetuple()))

# fetch json data from toggl
data = requests.get('', params={'since': {month_start}}, headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'Basic %s' %  b64encode(b'...:api_token').decode("ascii")})
obj = data.json()

# Go through the entries and add up the time spent on them
totals = {}
for entry in obj:
    if entry['start'][0:7] != f"{}-{}" or entry['server_deleted_at'] is not None:
    if entry["description"] in totals:
        totals[entry["description"]] = totals[entry["description"]] + entry["duration"]
        totals[entry["description"]] = entry["duration"]

# reformat into human friendly format
hh_mmformat = {}
for category in totals:
    hh_mmformat[category] = time_conversion(int(totals[category]))

file = "/Users/yanbarta/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/The Foundation/Projects/Time tracking"
tracking_file = open(file, "r")
new = []
previously = tracking_file.readlines()
for line in previously:
    # Find first occurrence of ":"
    index = line.find(":")
    # Get tracked timer
    tracked = line[6:index]
    ticked = "x" if line[3] == "x" else " "
    if tracked in hh_mmformat.keys():
        # get how much was supposed to be tracked
        goal = tuple([x for x in line[-6:-1].split(":")])
        currently = hh_mmformat[tracked]
        new.append([ticked, tracked, currently, goal])
writing_file = open(file, "w")
for row in new:
    writing_file.write(f"- [{row[0]}] {row[1]}: {row[2][0]}:{row[2][1]} / {row[3][0]}:{row[3][1]}\n")

#print("Worked fine")


Got another dig at it and managed to fix the bug with time tracking, so now there is a precise number of our as shown in Timery. (The problem was that even deleted and modified entries were pulled and accounted for).

Managed to read the file and save whatever I am tracking.


Code for fetching toggle data is done:

import datetime  
import json  
import requests  
from base64 import b64encode  
from datetime import timedelta, date  
import time  
# get today's date in UNIX timestamp  
today = int(time.time())  
# get beginning of month in unix timestamp  
date_time = datetime.datetime(,, 1, 0, 0, 0)  
month_start = int(time.mktime(date_time.timetuple()))  
#data = requests.get(f"{month_start}&until={today}&", headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'Basic %s' %  b64encode(b'82e7cd357aff2d77d068e18d324eb43f:api_token').decode("ascii")})  
# fetch json data from toggl  
data = requests.get('', params= {'since': {month_start}, 'until': {today}}, headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'Basic %s' %  b64encode(b'...:api_token').decode("ascii")})  
obj = data.json()  
totals = {}  
# go through the entries and add up time spent on them  
for entry in obj:  
    print(f"Entry name: {entry['description']}, duration: {entry['duration']}")  
    if entry["description"] in totals:  
        totals[entry["description"]] = totals[entry["description"]] + entry["duration"]  
        totals[entry["description"]] = entry["duration"]  
# reformat into human friendly format  
for category in totals:  
    totals[category] = time.strftime("%H:%M", time.gmtime(totals[category]))  
    #totals[category] = str(timedelta(seconds=totals[category]))  


Made plans.


Means to keep track of my time-tracking goals.






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