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Get your IFCB data ready for EcoTaxa.


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IFCB Tools

License: MIT Python 3.8

Set of tools to simplify interactions with IFCB data

IFCB Tools provide tools to extract raw IFCB data to matlab files and incorporate classification from EcoTaxa ( In addition, an utility to download data from EcoTaxa is provided (


Install python dependencies

pip install numpy pandas Pillow beautifulsoup4 imageio matlab openpyxl tqdm

Install matlab Engine API for python (

cd /Applications/
python -m pip install .

Matlab Package requirements: Parallel Toolbox, MatlabProgressBar. This can be installed using the Matlab Add-On Explorer.

Download IFCB Analysis code required to extract features from the IFCB.

cd ifcb-tools
unzip features_v3

IFCB Analysis requirements:

  • the file /ifcb-analysis-<branch>/feature_extraction/ModHausdorffDistMex.cpp compiled for your operating system. If you are using operating system different than Windows 64-bits or OSX 64-bits, compile the original cpp file. Instructions are available here
  • the functions statxture, statmoments, invmoments, and bound2im from DIPUM must be present in the folder DIPUM. They can be downloaded here

Usage downloads projects classification from EcoTaxa. It requires the user to authentificate through his EcoTaxa account.

Usage: [-h] -u USER [-p PATH] [-i IDS [IDS ...]] [-a AUTHORIZATION]

Optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit
  • -u USER, --user USER (required) Set email of EcoTaxa account.
  • -p PATH, --path PATH (optional) Set download directory. The download directory is the directory where all files will be saved.
  • -i IDS [IDS ...], --ids IDS [IDS ...] (required) Set project identification numbers to be downloaded. Multiple projects can be given (must be separated by a space). If not provided all projects from the EcoTaxa account are downloaded.
  • -a AUTHORIZATION, --authorization AUTHORIZATION (optional) Provide EcoTaxa password through command line. Not recommended.


./ -u -i 1234 4321 -p ~/Downloads/ extract raw IFCB data for machine learning training, machine learning classification, EcoTaxa, or Ecological studies.

Usage: [-h] -r RAW -m ENVIRONMENTAL [-t TAXONOMY] [-e ECOTAXA] -o OUTPUT [-p] [-s SAMPLE] [-f] [-u] mode

Positional arguments:

  • mode Set data extraction mode. Options available are: ml- train, ml-classify-batch, ml-classify-rt, ecotaxa, ecology.

Optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit
  • -r RAW, --raw RAW Set path to raw IFCB directory (adc, hdr, and roi files).
  • -m ENVIRONMENTAL, --environmental ENVIRONMENTAL Set path to environmental metadata file.
  • -t TAXONOMY, --taxonomy TAXONOMY Set path to taxonomic grouping file.
  • -e ECOTAXA, --ecotaxa ECOTAXA Set path to EcoTaxa classification directory or file.
  • -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Set path to directory of formatted output data.
  • -p, --parallel Enable Matlab parallel processing.
  • -s SAMPLE, --sample SAMPLE Set sample to process in mode ml-classify-rt.
  • -f, --force Force update of all data in mode ecology.
  • -u, --update-classification Update classification data in mode ecology.