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City of Oakland Design Toolkit

This toolkit contains documentation, visual identity, a pattern portfolio, and example page templates for the City of Oakland website.

Read the documentation to learn more.



This toolkit's documentation is built with Jekyll and published with GitHub pages via the gh-pages branch. A custom domain can be used by editing the CNAME file.


You'll need the following installed:

  • Latest Jekyll (minimum v2.2.0): $ gem install jekyll
  • Latest Rouge: $ gem install rouge
  • Latest Sass: $ gem install sass
  • Latest Grunt CLI: $ npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Node.js and npm

If you have all those set up, now you can install the dependencies:

$ npm install
$ bower install

Running locally

From the Terminal, start a local Jekyll server:

$ jekyll serve

Open a second Terminal tab to automatically recompile the Sass files, run autoprefixer, and update our Primer stats file:

$ grunt watch

Alternatively, you can manually run grunt and jekyll serve when needed.


Use the included Grunt task to generate and publish Primer's docs to the gh-pages branch.

$ grunt publish

This takes the _site directory, generates it's own Git repository there, and publishes the contents to the gh-pages branch here on GitHub. Changes are reflected in the hosted docs within a minute or so.


When compiling or watching the Sass files, Primer will automatically generate a file. This is tracked in the Git repository to provide us historical and contextual information on the changes we introduce. For example, we'll know when the number of selectors or declarations rises sharply within a single change.


Within bower.json, update to a new release by changing the version number that follows the # in the dependency URL.

  "name": "myapp",
  "dependencies": {
    "primer-css": "x.x.x"

To pull down the updated package, cd into vendor/assets, and run bower install.

$ cd vendor/assets
$ bower install

Check in bower.json and all changes under vendor/assets/bower_components.


Development happens in our primary branch, master. master will always be up to date with the latest changes, including those which have yet to be released.


Created by Objective Subject, forked from GitHub's Primer copyright GitHub, Inc. Released under the MIT license.


A pattern portfolio for the City of Oakland based on GitHub's Primer







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