First of all, clone the repository and moved into this.
sudo apt install git # if not installed
git clone
cd code-plagiarism/
OS Ubuntu Linux == 22.04
Python version == 3.10
Run these commands:
sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-pip sudo apt install clang libncurses5 # Optional sudo apt install python3-venv pip3 install virtualenv python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip3 install -U pip # pip3 version >= 19.0 pip3 install argparse-manpage==3 requests==2.31.0 pip3 install --upgrade setuptools # Ensure that an up-to-date version of setuptools is installed make
Create a code-plagiarism docker image
$ make docker-image
Rebuild created code-plagiarism docker image
$ make docker-image REBUILD=1
Run created a code-plagiarism container
$ make docker-run
Show help information about other make commands
$ make help
Pull an image from Docker Hub
$ docker pull artanias/codeplag-ubuntu22.04:latest
Run container based on pulled image and connect volume with your data
The docker image has volume '/usr/src/works' which is the directory with your data.
$ docker run --rm --tty --interactive --volume <absolute_local_path_with_data>:/usr/src/works "artanias/codeplag-ubuntu22.04:latest" /bin/bash
- For this purpose, you need to get installing package from releases tab with extension .deb;
- The next step is run command on the target system:
$ sudo apt-get install <path_to_the_package>/<package_name>.deb
Check code with linters, format code, and check used types with pre-commit.
# Before local checking, you need to install dependencies into your virtual environment. $ python3 -m pip install --requirement docs/notebooks/requirements.txt $ python3 -m pip install $(python3 -m --build-requirements) $ python3 -m pip install $(python3 -m --install-requirements) $ make pre-commit
Also, before committing, you need to install pre-commit hooks in the repository.
$ pre-commit install
- Testing for analyzers with pytest lib (required preinstalled pytest framework).
$ pip3 install $(python3 --test-requirements) $ make test
- Testing work of the util with written autotests (required installed util and 'ACCESS_TOKEN' with empty accesses, look ahead).
$ make autotest
Before starting work with searching on GitHub, you may define variable ACCESS_TOKEN in file .env in the folder from which you want to run the app:
ACCESS_TOKEN - Personal access token which add more requests to repos and access to private repos if you give it.
For beginning, you may to call help for getting information about available CLI options
$ codeplag --help
For getting more information about CLI run after make or in a docker container
$ man codeplag
When using bash as your shell, codeplag can use argcomplete for auto-completion. For permanent completion activation, use:
$ register-python-argcomplete codeplag >> ~/.bashrc
- Show help:
$ codeplag --help
- Show help of subcommands (and further along the chain similarly):
$ codeplag check --help
- Setting up the util:
# Setup check threshold to 70 # Language to English # Show check progress # Extension of reports 'csv' # Reports path to '/usr/src/works' # Path to environment variables '/usr/src/works/.env' $ codeplag settings modify --threshold 70 --language en --show_progress 1 --reports_extension csv --reports /usr/src/works --environment /usr/src/works/.env --ngrams-length 2 --workers 4
- Python analyzer:
$ codeplag check --extension py --files src/codeplag/pyplag/ --directories src/codeplag/pyplag $ codeplag check --extension py --directories src/codeplag/algorithms src $ codeplag check --extension py --files src/codeplag/pyplag/ --github-user OSLL --repo-regexp code- --all-branches $ codeplag check --extension py --github-files --github-user OSLL --repo-regexp code- --all-branches $ codeplag check --extension py --github-files --directories src/codeplag/pyplag/ $ codeplag check --extension py --directories src/ --github-user OSLL --repo-regexp code- $ codeplag check --extension py --github-project-folders --github-user OSLL --repo-regexp code- $ codeplag check --extension py --github-project-folders --directories src/codeplag/pyplag/
- C++/C analyzer:
$ codeplag check --extension cpp --directories src/codeplag/cplag/tests/data src/ --files test/codeplag/cplag/data/sample1.cpp test/codeplag/cplag/data/sample2.cpp $ codeplag check --extension cpp --github-files $ codeplag check --extension cpp --github-project-folders $ codeplag check --extension cpp --github-user OSLL --repo-regexp "code-plag"
- Create html report:
codeplag report create --path /usr/src/works