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Job Composer (renamed from My Jobs)

GitHub version

OOD Rails app for Open OnDemand for creating and managing batch jobs from template directories.

New Install

Installation assumptions: you have an Open OnDemand installation with File Explorer and Shell apps installed and a cluster config added to /etc/ood/config/clusters.d directory.

  1. Start in the build directory for all sys apps, clone and check out the latest version of the myjobs app (make sure the app directory's name is myjobs):

    scl enable rh-git29 -- git clone myjobs
    cd myjobs
    scl enable rh-git29 -- git checkout tags/v2.10.1
  2. Install the app for a production environment:

    RAILS_ENV=production scl enable rh-git29 rh-ruby24 rh-nodejs6 -- bin/setup

    this will setup a default Open OnDemand install. If you'd like a specific pre-defined portal such as OSC OnDemand you'd specify OOD_SITE and OOD_PORTAL as:

    OOD_SITE=osc OOD_PORTAL=ondemand RAILS_ENV=production scl enable rh-git29 rh-ruby24 rh-nodejs6 -- bin/setup

    assuming the corresponding .env.local.$OOD_SITE.$OOD_PORTAL file exists.

  3. (Optional) Add "System" job templates to make available to each user of "My Jobs", i.e.

    # the templates directory is hidden in the .gitignore,
    # so we can pull a directory of templates from another source
    # this is an example of deploying OSC's templates it provides to its users
    git clone templates
  4. Copy the built app directory to the deployment directory, and start the server. i.e.:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs
    sudo cp -r . /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs

Updating to a New Stable Version

  1. Navigate to the app's build directory and check out the latest version:

    cd myjobs # cd to build directory
    scl enable rh-git29 -- git fetch
    scl enable rh-git29 -- git checkout tags/v2.10.1
  2. Update the app for a production environment:

    RAILS_ENV=production scl enable rh-git29 rh-ruby24 rh-nodejs6 -- bin/setup

    You do not need to specify OOD_SITE and OOD_PORTAL if they are defined in the .env.local file.

  3. Copy the built app directory to the deployment directory:

    sudo rsync -rlptv --delete . /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs


"Job Composer" attempts to model a simple but common workflow. When creating a new batch job to run a simulation a user may:

  1. copy the directory of a job they already ran or an example job
  2. edit the files
  3. submit a new job

"Job Composer" implements these steps by providing the user job template directories and the ability to make copies of them.

  1. copy the a directory of a job they already ran or an example job

    1. User can create a new job from a "default" template.

      1. A custom default template can be defined at /etc/ood/config/apps/myjobs/templates/default or under the app deployment directory at /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/templates/default
      2. If no default template is specified, the default is /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/example_templates/torque
    2. user can select a directory to copy from a list of "System" templates the admin copied to /etc/ood/config/apps/myjobs/templates or under the app deployment directory at /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/templates during installation

    3. user can select a directory to copy from a list of "User" templates that the user has copied to $HOME/ondemand/data/sys/myjobs/templates

    4. user can select a job directory to copy that they already created through "Job Composer" from $HOME/ondemand/data/sys/myjobs/projects/default

  2. edit the files

    1. user can open the copied job directory in the File Explorer and edit files using the File Editor
  3. submit a new job

    1. user can use the Job Options form specify which host to submit to, what file is the job script
    2. user can use the web interface to submit the job to the batch system
    3. after the job is completed, the user can open the directory in the file explorer to view results


A template consists of a folder and a manifest.yml file.

The folder contains files and scripts related to the job.

The manifest contains additional metadata about a job, such as a name, the default host, the submit script file name, and any notes about the template.

name: A Template Name
host: ruby
notes: Notes about the template, such as content and function.

In the event that a job is created from a template that is missing from the manifest.yml, "Job Composer" will assign the following default values:

  • name The name of the template folder.
  • host The cluster id of the first cluster with a valid resource_mgr listed in the OOD cluster config
  • script The first .sh file appearing in the template folder.
  • notes The path to the location where a template manifest should be located.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.