This repository contains an OS2mo AMQP Trigger receiver that exposes metrics about changes in MO.
Adjust the AMQP_URL
variable to OS2mo's running message-broker, either;
- directly in
or - by creating a
Now start the container using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
You should see the following:
[info ] Starting metrics server
[info ] Register called function=metrics_callback routing_key=*.*.*
[info ] Starting AMQP system
[info ] Establishing AMQP connection host=msg_broker path=/ port=5672 scheme=amqp user=guest
[info ] Creating AMQP channel
[info ] Attaching AMQP exchange to channel exchange=os2mo
[info ] Declaring unique message queue function=metrics_callback queue_name=os2mo-amqp-trigger-metrics_metrics_callback
[info ] Starting message listener function=metrics_callback
[info ] Binding routing keys function=metrics_callback
[info ] Binding routing-key function=metrics_callback routing_key=*.*.*
After which each message will add:
[debug ] Received message function=metrics_callback routing_key=org_unit.address.edit
[info ] Message received object_type=address payload=... request_type=edit service_type=org_unit
And at which point metrics should be available at localhost:8000
# HELP os2mo_events_total AMQP Events
# TYPE os2mo_events_total counter
os2mo_events_total{request="edit",object="org_unit",service="org_unit"} 1.0
# HELP os2mo_events_created AMQP Events
# TYPE os2mo_events_created gauge
os2mo_events_created{request="edit",object="org_unit",service="org_unit"} 1.6273914312081306e+09