Update welcome email subject to ask for verifying email address again #301
orcid-web Unit Tests ❌
✅ TEST-orcid.pojo.ajaxForm.DummyTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 29s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
orcid.pojo.ajaxForm.DummyTest | 1✅ | 29s |
✅ orcid.pojo.ajaxForm.DummyTest
✅ testThis
✅ TEST-orcid.pojo.ajaxForm.WorkFormTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 22ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
orcid.pojo.ajaxForm.WorkFormTest | 3✅ | 22ms |
✅ orcid.pojo.ajaxForm.WorkFormTest
✅ testSerializeWork
✅ testValueOfAndBack
✅ testEmptyTranslatedTitleDontGetIntoTheWork
❌ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.email.RecordEmailSenderTest.xml
12 tests were completed in 948ms with 11 passed, 1 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.email.RecordEmailSenderTest | 11✅ | 1❌ | 948ms |
❌ org.orcid.frontend.email.RecordEmailSenderTest
✅ testResetNotFoundEmail
✅ testSendForgottenIdEmailNotFound
✅ testSendDeactivateEmail
❌ testSendWelcomeEmail
✅ testSendVerificationEmail
✅ testSend2FADisabledEmail
✅ testSendOrcidLockedEmail
✅ testClaimReminderEmail
✅ testChangeEmailAddress
✅ testSendReactivationEmail
✅ testSendForgottenIdEmail
✅ testResetEmail
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.oauth2.RevokeControllerTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 65ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.oauth2.RevokeControllerTest | 6✅ | 65ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.oauth2.RevokeControllerTest
✅ tokenAlreadyDisabledOrNonExistingTest
✅ disableByTokenTest
✅ refreshTokenAlreadyDisabledTest
✅ notOwnerTest
✅ disableByRefreshTokenTest
✅ noTokenTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.salesforce.adapter.SalesForceAdapterTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 124ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.salesforce.adapter.SalesForceAdapterTest | 4✅ | 124ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.salesforce.adapter.SalesForceAdapterTest
✅ testCreateMembersListFromJson
✅ testCreateMemberFromSalesForceRecordWithNullValues
✅ testCreateMemberFromSalesForceRecord
✅ testCreateIntegrationsListFromJson
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.AdminControllerTest.xml
24 tests were completed in 4s with 24 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.AdminControllerTest | 24✅ | 4s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.AdminControllerTest
✅ deactivateAndReactivateProfileTest
✅ testUnreviewAccounts
✅ findIdsTest
✅ deactivateOrcidRecords
✅ resetPasswordTest
✅ verifyEmailTest
✅ testGetLockReasons
✅ testCheckOrcid
✅ startDelegationProcess
✅ testConvertClient
✅ testReviewAccounts
✅ testValidateClientConversion
✅ addANewEmailToARecordThatAlreadyExistOnOtherAccount
✅ preventDisablingMembersTest
✅ testLockAccounts
✅ addANewEmailToARecord
✅ testUnlockAccounts
✅ resendClaimEmail
✅ resetPasswordTestOrcidURL
✅ adminSwitchUser
✅ resetPasswordUsingEmailTest
✅ addANewEmailToARecordThatIsDuplicated
✅ tryToDeprecateDeprecatedProfile
✅ resetPasswordValidateId
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.AffiliationsControllerTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 15ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.AffiliationsControllerTest | 1✅ | 15ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.AffiliationsControllerTest
✅ testSearchDisambiguated
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.BaseControllerUtilTest.xml
6 tests were completed in 37ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.BaseControllerUtilTest | 6✅ | 37ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.BaseControllerUtilTest
✅ getCurrentUserNoPrincipal
✅ getCurrentUserNoAuthentication
✅ getCurrentUserNoSecurittyContext
✅ getCurrentUserWrongAuthenticationClass
✅ getCurrentUserUsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
✅ getCurrentUserPreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ClaimControllerTest.xml
3 tests were completed in 344ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ClaimControllerTest | 3✅ | 344ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ClaimControllerTest
✅ testClaim
✅ testResendClaimEmail
✅ testResendEmailFailIfTheProfileIsAlreadyClaimed
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ClientsControllerTest.xml
9 tests were completed in 4s with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ClientsControllerTest | 9✅ | 4s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ClientsControllerTest
✅ emptyClientTest
✅ editClientTest
✅ testInvalidName
✅ createInvalidClientTest
✅ getClientsTest
✅ testInvalidWebsite
✅ testInvalidDescription
✅ addClientTest
✅ editInvalidClientTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.DeveloperToolsControllerTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 25ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.DeveloperToolsControllerTest | 7✅ | 25ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.DeveloperToolsControllerTest
✅ createClientTest
✅ testCrossSiteScriptingOnClientName
✅ testClientValidation
✅ updateClientTest
✅ resetClientSecretTest
✅ getClientTest
✅ testCrossSiteScriptingOnClientDescription
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.FundingsControllerTest.xml
17 tests were completed in 2s with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.FundingsControllerTest | 17✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.FundingsControllerTest
✅ testValidateAmountLocaleEN_US
✅ testValidateAmountLocaleRU
✅ testGetFundingsJsonSortedBySource
✅ testAddFundingWithoutAmount
✅ validateBigDecimalConversionLocaleRU
✅ testEditOrgOnExistingFunding
✅ validateBigDecimalConversionLocaleDE_CH
✅ validateBigDecimalConversionLocaleUS_EN
✅ getFunding
✅ testVAlidateAmountLocaleDE_CH
✅ testAddFundingWithInvalidDates
✅ testAddFunding
✅ testEditFunding
✅ testEditOtherSourceThrowsError
✅ testSearchDisambiguated
✅ testAddAmountWithoutCurrencyCode
✅ testGetFundingsJson
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.GetMyDataControllerTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 96ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.GetMyDataControllerTest | 1✅ | 96ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.GetMyDataControllerTest
✅ testDownload
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ManageMembersControllerTest.xml
17 tests were completed in 2s with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ManageMembersControllerTest | 17✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ManageMembersControllerTest
✅ testDeactivateClientAlreadyDeactivated
✅ createMemberProfileWithInvalidTypeTest
✅ editGroupTypeTest
✅ testActivateClientAlreadyActive
✅ findMemberByOrcidTest
✅ testDeactivateClient
✅ createMemberProfileWithInvalidEmailsTest
✅ findClientTest
✅ createMemberProfileTest
✅ editClientWithInvalidRedirectUriTest
✅ editMemberTest
✅ editMemberDoesntChangePersistentTokenEnabledValueTest
✅ editMemberWithInvalidSalesforceIdTest
✅ editMemberWithInvalidEmailTest
✅ testActivateClient
✅ createMemberProfileWithInvalidSalesforceIdTest
✅ createMemberProfileWithInvalidGroupNameTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ManageProfileControllerTest.xml
33 tests were completed in 122ms with 33 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ManageProfileControllerTest | 33✅ | 122ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ManageProfileControllerTest
✅ testAddEmail_noPrimaryEmailChange
✅ testGetDeprecateProfile
✅ testDeleteEmailJsonBlankEmail
✅ testSetPrimary_nothingChange
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfileCurrentProfileDeprecated
✅ testEditEmail_noPrimaryChange
✅ testDeleteEmail
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataMatchingAccounts
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataDeactivatedProfile
✅ testValidateDeprecateProfileWithValidData
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataAlreadyDeprecatedProfile
✅ testDeleteEmailOnlyEmail
✅ testDeleteEmailJsonWrongOwner
✅ testValidateDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataMatchingAccounts
✅ testAddDelegate
✅ testAddEmail_primaryEmailChange
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfile
✅ testValidateDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataAlreadyDeprecatedProfile
✅ testStripHtmlFromNames
✅ testValidateBiography
✅ testGetDelegates
✅ validateEmailAddressTest
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfileCurrentProfileDeactivated
✅ testRevokeDelegate
✅ testValidateDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataDeactivatedProfile
✅ testValidateDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataBadCredentials
✅ testDeleteEmailPrimaryEmail
✅ testSetPrimary_primaryEmailChangeAndPrimaryIsNotVerified
✅ testVerifyEmail
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfileWithInvalidDataBadCredentials
✅ testSetPrimary_primaryEmailChange
✅ testEditEmail_primaryEmailChange
✅ testConfirmDeprecateProfileUnkownError
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthGenericCallsControllerTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 30ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthGenericCallsControllerTest | 2✅ | 30ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthGenericCallsControllerTest
✅ testObtainOauth2TokenPostLockedClient
✅ testObtainOauth2TokenPost
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthRegistrationControllerTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 2s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthRegistrationControllerTest | 1✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OauthRegistrationControllerTest
✅ testStripHtmlFromNames
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OrgControllerTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 2s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OrgControllerTest | 1✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.OrgControllerTest
✅ testFindBySourceTypeAndSourceId
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PasswordResetControllerTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 2s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PasswordResetControllerTest | 7✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PasswordResetControllerTest
✅ testPasswordResetUserNotFoundSendEmail
✅ testPasswordResetLinkExpired
✅ testResetPasswordDontFailIfAnyFieldIsEmtpy
✅ testPasswordResetUnclaimedSendEmail
✅ testPasswordResetUserDeactivatedSendEmail
✅ testSubmitConsolidatedPasswordReset
✅ testPasswordResetLinkValidLinkDirectsToConsolidatedScreenDirectly
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PeerReviewsControllerTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 2s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PeerReviewsControllerTest | 2✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PeerReviewsControllerTest
✅ testSearchDisambiguated
✅ testGetPeerReviews
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PIDControllerTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 2s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PIDControllerTest | 1✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PIDControllerTest
✅ testNorm
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PublicProfileControllerTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 2s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PublicProfileControllerTest | 5✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PublicProfileControllerTest
✅ testGetPersonDetails
✅ testGetGroupedAffiliations
✅ testViewValidUser
✅ testViewClaimedUserWhenIsLongEnough
✅ getUserInfoTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PublicRecordControllerTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 2s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PublicRecordControllerTest | 7✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.PublicRecordControllerTest
✅ testGetRecordSummary
✅ testGetRecordSummaryProfessionalActivitiesSortedByEndDate
✅ testGetRecordSummaryLocked
✅ testGetRecordSummaryDeprecated
✅ testGetRecordSummaryPrivateName
✅ testGetRecordSummaryDeactivated
✅ testGetPublicRecord
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.RecordCorrectionsControllerTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 2s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.RecordCorrectionsControllerTest | 4✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.RecordCorrectionsControllerTest
✅ nextOnFirstPageTest
✅ previousOnLastPageTest
✅ nextOnLastPageTest
✅ previousOnFirstPageTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.RegistrationControllerTest.xml
17 tests were completed in 2s with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.RegistrationControllerTest | 17✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.RegistrationControllerTest
✅ regEmailsAdditonalValidateNotSameAsOtherAdditional
✅ verifyEmail_UnableToDecryptEmailTest
✅ verifyEmailTest
✅ regEmailsAdditionalValidateClaimedAccountTest
✅ regEmailValidateClaimedAccountTest
✅ regEmailsAdditionalValidateDeactivatedAndUnclaimedAccountTest
✅ regActivitiesVisibilityDefaultIsNotNull
✅ verifyEmail_InvalidEmailTest
✅ regEmailValidateUnclaimedAccountButEnableAutoDeprecateDisableOnClientTest
✅ regEmailsAdditionalValidateDeactivatedAccountTest
✅ verifyEmail_NotVerifiedTest
✅ regEmailsAdditionalValidateUnclaimedAccountButEnableAutoDeprecateDisableOnClientTest
✅ testStripHtmlFromNames
✅ regEmailValidateUnclaimedAccountTest
✅ regEmailValidateDeactivatedAndUnclaimedAccountTest
✅ regEmailValidateDeactivatedAccountTest
✅ regEmailsAdditonalValidateUnclaimedAccountTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ResearchResourceControllerTest.xml
5 tests were completed in 2s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ResearchResourceControllerTest | 5✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ResearchResourceControllerTest
✅ testUpdateMax
✅ testUpdateVis
✅ testSort
✅ testReadPage
✅ testReadOne
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ShibbolethControllerTest.xml
2 tests were completed in 0ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ShibbolethControllerTest | 2✅ | 0ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.ShibbolethControllerTest
✅ testDuplicateNameHeaders
✅ testNameHeaders
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.SpamControllerTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 2s with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.SpamControllerTest | 4✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.SpamControllerTest
✅ testUpdateSpam
✅ testCreateSpam
✅ testReadOne
✅ testDeleteSpam
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.WorksControllerTest.xml
10 tests were completed in 2s with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.WorksControllerTest | 10✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.WorksControllerTest
✅ testAddWork
✅ testGetWorkInfoWithContributors
✅ testUpdateWork
✅ testExportToBibtex
✅ testGroupWorks
✅ testEditOtherSourceThrowsError
✅ testGetWorkInfo
✅ testFieldValidators
✅ testGetWorkInfoWithContributorsGroupedByOrcid
✅ testGetWorksInfo
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.WorkspaceControllerTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 0ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.WorkspaceControllerTest | 1✅ | 0ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.controllers.WorkspaceControllerTest
✅ validateSmallerThanTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.filter.OAuthAuthorizeNotSignedInFilterTest.xml
7 tests were completed in 36ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.filter.OAuthAuthorizeNotSignedInFilterTest | 7✅ | 36ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.filter.OAuthAuthorizeNotSignedInFilterTest
✅ oauth2ScreensFeatureEnabledTest
✅ noAuthentication
✅ nullSession
✅ noSecurityContext
✅ notUriOauthAuthorize
✅ hasOrcidProfileUserDetails
✅ oauth2ScreensFeatureFlagUsedTest
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.pagination.WorksPaginatorTest.xml
10 tests were completed in 468ms with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.pagination.WorksPaginatorTest | 10✅ | 468ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.pagination.WorksPaginatorTest
✅ testSourceSort
✅ testReverseSecondaryTitleSortForNullDates
✅ testGetAllWorks
✅ testGetPublicWorksPage
✅ testGetWorksExtendedPage
✅ testGetPublicWorksExtendedPage
✅ testTitleSortCase
✅ testGetAllPublic
✅ testGetWorkWithNulltitle
✅ testGetWorksPage
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.security.AuthenticationManagerTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 2s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.security.AuthenticationManagerTest | 1✅ | 2s |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.security.AuthenticationManagerTest
✅ testSuccessfullAuthentication
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.util.CommonPasswordsTest.xml
1 tests were completed in 0ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.util.CommonPasswordsTest | 1✅ | 0ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.util.CommonPasswordsTest
✅ testPasswordIsCommon
✅ TEST-org.orcid.frontend.web.util.ThirdPartyLinkManagerTest.xml
4 tests were completed in 17ms with 4 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
org.orcid.frontend.web.util.ThirdPartyLinkManagerTest | 4✅ | 17ms |
✅ org.orcid.frontend.web.util.ThirdPartyLinkManagerTest
✅ findOrcidClientsWithPredefinedOauthScopePeerReviewImportTest
✅ findOrcidClientsWithPredefinedOauthScopeWorksImportTest
✅ findOrcidClientsWithPredefinedOauthScopeFundingImportTest
✅ findOrcidClientsWithPredefinedOauthScopeReadAccessTest
github-actions / orcid-web Unit Tests
org.orcid.frontend.email.RecordEmailSenderTest ► testSendWelcomeEmail
Failed test found in:
Raw output
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
"ORCID - Do not reply <DoNotReply@verify.orcid.org>",
"[ORCID] Welcome to ORCID",
<any string>,
<any string>
-> at org.orcid.frontend.email.RecordEmailSenderTest.testSendWelcomeEmail(RecordEmailSenderTest.java:124)
Actual invocations have different arguments:
"ORCID - Do not reply <DoNotReply@verify.orcid.org>",
"[ORCID] Welcome to ORCID - verify your email address ",
Your ORCID iD: 4444-4444-4444-4446<br/>
Your ORCID record is <a href="https://testserver.orcid.org/4444-4444-4444-4446" target="orcid.blank">https://testserver.orcid.org/4444-4444-4444-4446</a>
Welcome to ORCID User name
Congratulations on creating your new ORCID iD! This persistent digital identifier, that you own and control, will distinguish you from every other researcher and reduce your burden when you use it in manuscript and grant submission systems.
Verifying your email address unlocks advanced editing features in your ORCID record. Until then you will only be able to manage your names and email addresses in your ORCID record.
How do I verify my email address?
Or, copy and paste the link below into your browser's address bar:
Please visit our researcher homepage for more information on how to get the most out of your ORCID record.
Warm Regards,
ORCID Support Team
You have received this email as a service announcement related to your ORCID Account.
email preferences (https://testserver.orcid.org/account)
privacy policy (https://testserver.orcid.org/privacy-policy)
10411 Motor City Drive, Suite 750, Bethesda, MD 20817, USA
"<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>[ORCID] Welcome to ORCID - verify your email address </title>
<div style="padding: 20px; padding-top: 10px; margin: auto; line-height: 1.5;">
<img src="https://orcid.org/sites/all/themes/orcid/img/orcid-logo.png" alt="ORCID.org"/>
<hr />
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #494A4C;">
Your ORCID iD: 4444-4444-4444-4446<br/>
Your ORCID record is <a href="https://testserver.orcid.org/4444-4444-4444-4446" target="orcid.blank">https://testserver.orcid.org/4444-4444-4444-4446</a>
<hr />
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #494A4C;">
Welcome to ORCID User name,<br/>
Congratulations on creating your new ORCID iD! This persistent digital identifier, that you own and control, will distinguish you from every other researcher and reduce your burden when you use it in manuscript and grant submission systems. </p>
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #494A4C;">
Verifying your email address unlocks advanced editing features in your ORCID record. Until then you will only be able to manage your names and email addresses in your ORCID record. </p>
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #494A4C;">
<b>How do I verify my email address?</b><br />
Simply click the button below to sign into your ORCID record and complete verification. <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: separate !important; border-radius: 4px; margin: 0 auto; margin-top:20px">
<td style="border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 24px; font-size: 16px; border-radius: 4px; margin: 0;">
<a id="verificationButton"
style="font-size: 20px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 4.8px; line-height: 25px; display: inline-block; font-weight: normal; white-space: nowrap; background-color: #31789B; color: #ffffff; padding: 8px 16px; border: 1px solid #31789B;"
>Verify your email address</a>
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #494A4C;">
Or, copy and paste the link below into your browser's address bar: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; border-spacing: 0px; border-collapse: separate !important; border-radius: 4px; margin: 0 auto; ">
<p align="center" class="text-center" style="line-height: 24px; font-size: 16px; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 30px; padding-top: 20px; word-break: break-word;">
<a id="verificationUrl"
</p> <hr />
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color: #494A4C;">
Please visit our <a href="https://info.orcid.org/researchers/" target="orcid.blank">researcher homepage</a> for more information on how to get the most out of your ORCID record.
<pre style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 15px;color: #494A4C;">
Warm Regards,
ORCID Support Team
<a href="https://support.orcid.org/hc/en-us" target="_blank" style="color: #2E7F9F;">https://support.orcid.org</a>
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 15px;color: #494A4C;">
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-> at org.orcid.frontend.email.RecordEmailSender.sendWelcomeEmail(RecordEmailSender.java:110)
at org.orcid.frontend.email.RecordEmailSenderTest.testSendWelcomeEmail(RecordEmailSenderTest.java:124)