Covid 19 tracker Application gives you real time Covid-19 disease data of more than 200 countries since 2020-1-1 as follows : Total confirmed cases. New confirm cases New deaths Total deaths This project focuses on updating real time Covid-19 disease data from online sources and learns how to create a good GUI interface from JavaFX.
- Get real time Covid19 disease data.
- Show pecentage different of Covid19 disease information day by day.
- Create historical line graphs of Covid19 disease data.
First you need to open command prompt (for Windows) or terminal (for OSX) and access CovidTracker.jar directory.
for java sdk 8 type this command:
java -jar Covid19-Tracker.jar
java sdk 11 or higher:
java --module-path (you javafx lib directory) --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar Covid19-Tracker.jar
java --module-path /Users/admin/Downloads/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib/ --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar Covid19-Tracker.jar
Menu | World Summary | Charts |
- Java URL to get realtime data from online source.
- JavaFX.fxml for design Ghaphic interface from Scene Builder Application.
- javafx.scene.chart to create BarChart and LineChart.
- SceneBuilder for design GUI interface for application.
The updated .csv files here: