Welcome to the pizzeria simulator repository! This project was developed as part of a cross-platform programming (CPP) course to explore different modes of operation of a kitchen to investigate different types of multithreading.
- [feat] - new feature, that is added to an app
- [fix] - bugfixing
- [style] - changes related to code style
- [refactor] - refactoring of a piece of codebase
- [test] - everything, related to testing
- [docs] - everything that is related to documentation
- [config] - change configuration files
- [CI/CD] - changes in CI/CD
- feat/branch-name - for new features
- fix/branch-name - for bugfixing
- style/branch-name - for styling
- refactor/branch-name - for refactoring
- test/branch-name - for testing
- docs/branch-name - for documentation
- config/branch-name - for configuration