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Robert Miller edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 3 revisions

TODO: Brief description of table purpose.

Field Required Type Description
exposure_id Yes integer A system-generated unique identifier for each exposure event.
person_id Yes integer A foreign key to the Person who is subjected to the exposure.
exposure_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key to the standard exposure concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.
exposure_start_date Yes date The date the exposure started.
exposure_end_date No date The date the exposure ended.
value_as_number No float The exposure value stored as a number.
value_as_concept_id No integer A foreign key to a exposure value represented as a Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies.
value_source_value No varchar(50) The source value associated with the content of the value_as_number or value_as_concept_id as stored in the source data.
unit_concept_id No integer A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of Measurement Units in the Standardized Vocabularies.
unit_source_value No varchar(50) The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data
exposure_source_concept_id No integer A foreign key to a Concept in the Standard Vocabularies that refers to the code used in the source.
exposure_source_value No varchar(50) The Exposure name as it appears in the source data.
data_source_id No integer A foreign key to the data_source which the exposure is derived from.
link_operator_concept_id No integer TODO
link_scope_concept_id No integer TODO
link_numeric_qualifier No float TODO
link_source_value No varchar(50) TODO


  • TODO

Link (TODO)

  • Brief description: What it accomplishes, conjunction of operator, scope and numeric qualifier, etc


Example Operator Scope Numeric_Qualifier
Average of nearest 3 measurements Mean nearest (x) 3
Number of facilities within 5 miles Count within miles (x) 5

Operator concepts

Name Description
Mean Average
... ...

Scope concepts

Name Description
Nearest (x) The X closest locations to the individual's locaton
... ...
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